Miller Statement on Arrest in Federal Reserve Bomb Plot

Oct 18, 2012 Issues: Defense and Homeland Security

Harrison Township, MI – U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, today made the following statement on the arrest of Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis after he plotted to bomb the Federal Reserve building in New York City:

“The arrest of this terrorist who attempted to detonate a bomb outside of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City is further proof that our nation continues to be at risk of attack by radical Islamic extremists.  I commend the FBI for their diligence in identifying this terrorist and for their work in stopping his plans.  While some have criticized the tactics used by the FBI in this and other cases one fact is clear, these tactics work in stopping potential terrorist acts and have saved countless American lives. 

“The fact that this man entered our nation on a student visa, although it is becoming clear his only intention in coming to this country was to inflict harm, is a sharp reminder that terrorists will use any and all avenues to enter our country with the intention of committing acts of terror.  That is why I have worked as Chairman of the Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee to highlight the need to strengthen visa security by enhancing the vetting process overseas and increasing coordination among law enforcement agencies inside the United States to identify and track down these individuals who wish to commit terrorist acts against our nation.  We will continue to face the threat of radical Islamic terrorists whose only goal is to kill our fellow Americans, and this incident is a further reminder that we must remain vigilant in defending our nation against these threats.”
