Tim Johnson

Tim Johnson


serves on the Ag. Comm. as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Rural Development, Research, and Biotechnology and also serves on the T&I Committee.

Urbana, IL · http://timjohnson.house.gov/

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

US Rep. Johnson just spoke on the House floor urging his colleagues to bring the Farm Bill to the floor for a full vote

Commenting on the today - "I firmly believe we are not making draconian cuts to food stamps but common sense reforms"

Notwithstanding its constitutionality, remains ill-conceived, overly broad and burdensome for American taxpayers.

Thanks to our men & women in the armed forces for protecting Old Glory.Let’s honor our troops by bringing them home! Happy Flag Day!

I will be at Lawrenceville City Hall Today at 5:00 PM CST to talk about the federal gov't or any topics of your concern

Tonight, I voted to repeal a burdensome tax on medical devices. The tax would hurt the economy & raise the cost of all medical devices

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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