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Department of Commerce

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U.S. Department of Commerce at COP-15

Daily Updates from the U.S. Center at COP-15

The U.S. is committed to forging an international response and achieving a successful outcome at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-15) in Copenhagen, December 7-18.

Watch this website for daily updates from COP-15.

Schedule of Department of Commerce Presentations

Please note that the times below are in Copenhagen local time, which is UTC/GMT+1. All presentations will be avilable via live webcast.

Monday, December 7th

9:00 AM
Arctic: One of the Earth's Most Rapidly Warming Regions
Jim Overland, NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
11:30 AM
Ocean Acidification: Impacts of Carbon Dioxide on Marine Ecosystems
Lead by Oceana.  Richard Feely, NOAA, PMEL participating
3:30 PM
The History and Science of Monitoring Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases
Alexander MacDonald, NOAA, Earth Systems Research Laboratory

Tuesday, December 8th

3:30 PM
Global Climate Change Impacts in the US
Tom Karl, NOAA, National Climatic Data Center
6:00 PM
Extreme Weather and Climate Events in a Changing Climate
Tom Karl, NOAA, National Climatic Data Center
7:15 PM
Climate Change Science on a Sphere Spherecasts
Alexander MacDonald, NOAA, Earth Systems Research Laboratory

Wednesday, December 9th

6:00 PM
The Critical Role of Climate Literacy in addressing Climate Change
Frank Niepold, NOAA Climate Program Office

Thursday, December 10th

9:00 AM
Green Build U.S. Technology
Panel Discussion. Moderator: Keith Curtis, Senior Energy Advisor, U.S. Department of Commerce
10:15 AM
Solutions at your Doorstep: U.S. Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency Technologies on Display
Panel Discussion. Moderator: Keith Curtis, Senior Energy Advisor, U.S. Department of Commerce
4:15 PM
Climate Change Toolkit: Wildlife and Wildlands Videoconference
Peg Steffen and Bruce Moravchik, NOAA National Ocean Service

Friday, December 11th

12:45 PM
Clean Energy Jobs in a Global Marketplace
Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Commerce

Saturday, December 12th

10:15 AM
Bright Green Expo
Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Commerce

Sunday, December 13th

10:15 AM
Bright Green Expo

Monday, December 14th

10:15 AM
Climate Services: Providing the Information that People Need for a Changing World
Jane Lubchenco, NOAA Administrator
1:00 PM
Clim'City: An Interactive Informal Educational Network
Ned Gardiner, NOAA Climate Program Office

Tuesday, December 15th

10:15 AM
Oceans and Ecosystems in a Changing Climate
Jane Lubchenco, NOAA Administrator




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