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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Audience at the Adjutant General Panel
The audience consisted of U.S. and foreign military legal personnel, law and political science professors, ambassadors, and legal representatives from several large non-government...
Maj. Gen. Andrew Turley at the Adjutant General Panel
Maj. Gen. Andrew Turley, Air National Guard Assistant to the Judge Advocate speaks at the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Law Symposium in Chicago on July 8.
Brig. Gen. Donald Dunbar at the Adjutant General Panel
Brig. Gen. Donald Dunbar, the Adjutant General of Wisconsin, answers questions about the Wisconsin National Guard State Partnership Program with Nicaragua at the United Nations...
United Nations Peace Operations and Law Symposium-Adjutant General Panel
The symposium topic was ‘A Decade of Peace’ and various distinguished guests, both civilian and military, discussed the success and failures in peacekeeping and SSTR (stability,...

Maglio Coraggio, 2012 USACE Innovation of the Year Award for Disposal Area Weir Decanting System - Dual Box Risers on Slab
In 2012, the Chief of Engineers Awards of Excellence award for Innovation of the year was awarded to Maglio Coraggio of the Design Branch of the Engineering Division of Jacksonville...
Clean Water Act Section 404 (b) (1) Guidelines
This video is an introduction to Clean Water Act, Section 404(b)(1). For detailed information on this topic please visit the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' website. Also available in...

News News Stories

United Nations Peace Organizations and Law Symposium-Adjutant General Panel
The Adjutant General Panel at the United Nations Peace Operations and Law Symposium was held in downtown Chicago on July 8.

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