We Must Prevent Our Nation From Going Over the Fiscal Cliff

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Published on Nov 14, 2012 by

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  • You're too focused on PARTY, Scott!! The people don't care a thing about PARTY - We want RESULTS! You've obstructed our country's success by obstructing our President. You've embarassed yourself and your state with your hypocrisy of supposedly standing for family values while having marital affairs and encouraging your mistress to get an abortion. While you might be able to dupe the people in TN to trust you, the PEOPLE of the USA don't trust you one bit!!! Support OUR President!!!

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  • You have some facts right. But your plan in the house will not fix the problem. You got to raise the taxes on the rich to be equal or greater to the taxes on the middle class. You cannot gut the social security and Medicare that the elderly rely on. Try cutting some of the fat from the military. Take a look at the senate plan that has already passed the senate. Now pass it in the house or be forever more known as obstructionists.

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