Rep. Greg Walden

Rep. Greg Walden


Proudly serving the people of Oregon's Second Congressional District.

Oregon/Washington, D.C. ·

I ran a small business in Oregon. As NRCC Chair, I’ll put my experience to good use to help enact pro-jobs, pro-growth agenda in the House.

Honored to be elected to leadership by my House colleagues. Allows me to voice the concerns of Oregonians at the leadership table in DC.

Proud to support bill, which passed the House overwhelmingly today. Need independent review of Fed's books.

Good news for veterans in Grants Pass. We owe the men and women who have worn the uniform the best care possible

Toured hydropower plant in Haines. House passed bill to cut red tape on hydro projects. Creates jobs + clean energy.

House passes one year extension of county payments. Gives us time to work on bipartisan solution to create jobs

Spkr Pelosi: "Pass the bill to find out what's in it." Now we know: Massive tax hike on middle class & small business

...that brings jobs back into the forests to create revenues that keep essential local services like schools and law enforcement afloat

Extension gives breathing room we need to continue bipartisan work toward a long-term solution...

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