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House Approves Permanent Trade Relations with Russia


“This is a jobs bill, pure and simple,” says Brady

Washington, DC – Today the U.S. House of Representatives approved permanent normal trade relations with Russia and Moldova, a move that opens the door for more sales of American goods and services to Russia – the ninth largest economy in the world.  

U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), a bill sponsor and chairman of the Trade sub-committee in the House, applauded the overwhelming bi-partisan vote for the measure, which now goes to the Senate for consideration.  

“This is a jobs bill, pure and simple,” said Brady. “It ensures American energy, agriculture, manufacturing, technology and services companies can compete – and win - on a level playing field in Russia.”

Without timely passage, says Brady, “American workers and companies will be left behind in this increasingly competitive global economy.”

On August 22nd, Russia joined the Worth Trade Organization (WTO), taking steps to improve its trade rules and standards for intellectual property protection. By establishing permanent normal trade relations with Russia, the United States will have access to WTO tools that will help hold Russia accountable to important commitments made as part of its accession package. The bill also includes new tools to continue to exert pressure on Russia to improve human rights.

“Russia’s growing economy represents a key market for American companies. This bi-partisan, bicameral bill offers us the chance to create jobs by expanding our exports without making a single trade concession. Expanding international trade and investment is essential to healing this global economic crisis, and a proactive U.S. trade agenda should be a central component.”


My speech begins at 59:04

You can listen to my floor speech at time marker 59:04.