Rep. Kevin Yoder

Rep. Kevin Yoder


I represent the 3rd District of Kansas in the United States Congress, where I serve on the House Appropriations Committee.

KS 3rd District & DC ·

Congrats 2012 Blue Ribbon Schools award winners Blue Valley High School & St. Thomas Aquinas High School! Great job!

My staff is holding Community Office Hours today. Get to the KCK Main Library from 12-1pm CST, 2nd floor Auditorium, 625 Minnesota Ave.

Congratulations to my fellow KS colleague on her election as vice chairwoman of the House Republican Conference.

My staff will hold Community Office Hours tomorrow from 12-1pm CST. KCK Main Library, Auditorium (2nd floor), 625 Minnesota Ave, in KCK.

Our own congressmen Cleaver &Yoder recognized in US House for civility. & to think, Chamber was 1 of 1st to bring the 2 together summer 2011

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