WOWK -- Charleston - Huntington, Working For YouW.Va. Earns an A minus in National Technology Report

W.Va. Earns an A minus in National Technology Report

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West Virginia is among only six states to earn top honors in the 2012 Digital States Survey of technology practices of state governments.

The report gave an A to Michigan and Utah.  California, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and West Virginia received an A minus.

Twenty-two states earned B or B minus grades and 18 states received a C or C minus.  Florida and Idaho received the lowest grades in this year's survey, each earning a D.

In awarding grades, reviewers looked at each state's technology strategy, return on investment, demonstrated progress, innovation and creativity, and collaboration.

According to the report, states receiving A's "are trending sharply up. They demonstrated results across all survey categories. Nimble leaders use modernization to implement strategic priorities and operational efficiencies."

West Virginia and the other states were recognized at an awards celebration this week in San Diego. 

An interactive map of digital states grades is posted at