Data available for Bill Johnson:
In Politicians & Elections


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Fundraising Events:
When:  Jun 14 2011
What:  Five at Five Dinner Series
Beneficiaries:  Bill Johnson

When:  May 24 2011
What:  Reception
Beneficiaries:  Bill Johnson


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Bill Johnson
First Elected: 2010
Next Election: 2012

Bill Johnson

Bio  | WebSite | Facebook

Select cycle and data to include:

  • Campaign Cmte Only
  • Leadership PAC Profile Only
  • Campaign Cmte & Leadership PAC Combined
  • No Leadership PAC money for selected cycle

Committee Assignments: 

Cycle Fundraising, 2011 - 2012, Campaign Cmte

Raised: $1,864,635 Sparklines Explanation coming soon
Spent: $1,622,747
Cash on Hand: $259,656
Debts: $15,000
Last Report: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Top 5 Contributors, 2011-2012, Campaign Cmte

Murray Energy$20,475$15,475$5,000
Freedom Project$15,000$0$15,000
Honeywell International$14,999$0$14,999
American Electric Power$14,500$10,000$4,500
Brilex Industries$14,500$14,500$0

Top 5 Industries, 2011-2012, Campaign Cmte

Leadership PACs$144,432$0$144,432
Misc Manufacturing & Distributing$99,257$68,758$30,499
Oil & Gas$64,250$12,750$51,500
Health Professionals$52,000$15,000$37,000

Total Raised vs. Average Raised

2009-2010 Fundraising

Cycle Source of Funds, 2011-2012, Campaign Cmte only

Individual Contributions About Size of Contributions
 - Small Individual Contributions
 - Large Individual Contributions
$111,242 (6%)
$820,783 (44%)
legendPAC Contributions $880,978 (47%)
legend Candidate self-financing$0 (0%)
legend Other$51,632 (3%)

NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2011-2012 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data available electronically on November 09, 2012 (for Fundraising totals, Source of Funds and Total Raised vs Average) and on October 01, 2012 for Top Contributors and Industries. In the "Source of Funds" chart, "Large Individual Contributions" refer to all contributions from unique individuals aggregating to more than $200 within a cycle, and "Small Individual Contributions" refer to all contributions from unique individuals totaling $200 or less within a cycle. ("Help! The numbers don't add up...")

The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

Why (and How) We Use Donors' Employer/Occupation Information

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