Alan Nunnelee

Alan Nunnelee


Proudly Serving Mississippi's 1st District

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

We stand with our ally Israel as they defend themselves from terrorist attacks by Hamas and other militant groups.

There's no mandate for raising tax rates & doing so would destroy jobs. Need pro-growth tax & entitlement reform

When the president signed the stimulus, the average U.S. household income was $54,964. Today, it is $50,964 and has fallen by $4,019.

Today, 15 percent of Americans receive food stamps, an increase of 45 percent since President Obama took office.

The number of Americans forced to work only part-time in October because they could not find full-time employment was 8.3 million.

There were 12.2 million unemployed in Oct. There have been more than 12 million unemployed every month that has been in office.

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