SkyPath is Here

Skypath synchronizes your photos with ImageShack Service and it is absolutely free to use. Combined with Skypath Desktop application, Skypath for Android allows you to share your mobile photo library with the ImageShack Cloud Service, which in turn mirrors your Android’s photo library photos right to your Skypath folder on your PC, mobile photo library backup has never been easier! By uploading your mobile photos to Skypath, you will be able to get portable web links which can be shared via Email and to Blogs, Forums, Facebook, Twitter and other Social media sites. The app allows you to simply transfer photos across all of your mobile devices and keep them in sync with your ImageShack account. Download it (here).

Happy Anniversary!!

We have extremely loyal employees and we greatly appreciate it. We want to give a shout out to them this month. We had two employees celebrating their anniversaries, Nicholas Pettas who has been with the company for four years and Mikhail Smirnov for three years. We headed to Black Watch to have happy hour and celebrate their dedication to ImageShack!! Not only are they dedicated to the company but also to each other; they have been in the same room working together for three years. We look forward to hopefully having them for many more years at ImageShack.

Los Gatos Shenanigans!!

This is what occurs when everyone goes to lunch and no one wants to get back to their desk just yet. You will notice it is always the girls who are daring because the boys are worried about “embarrassing photos.” They tend to take the photos. The most interesting photos of the guys consist of eyes glued on a screen playing video games….or buying off of Pinterest… I forget. Having wig stores, and costume stores in Los Gatos is a problem. One thing is for sure, Deborah’s hair should never look like that!!

The Ping and the Pong

The only thing that makes Mondays better. We are very obsessed. In addition to all of us being competitive we even have a whole social network dedicated to smack talking. At least when people are playing doubles the losing team can put blame on the other person. Originally this was suppose to unite and create teamwork in the office but the company is very much doubting this decision.

Alex and Moe

Women of ImageShack Lunch (Fondu for days!)

Old town Los Gatos…don’t mind if we do! We are so spoiled with working close by. We were all too full to even get chocolate at the end….first world problems. Lawrie is around 90 pounds and Lucy is lactose intolerant but that didn’t stop them.

Lucy and Jia


Dog Day!

Please meet the better half of the office. Mrs. Peanut who pmses every day and almost got the ankle of the UPS man last week. If her hair isn’t up and she isn’t growling you know it is gonna be a good day. Wesley, the golden child, is the most chill pet of all time. He reflects the qualities of his owner who enjoys Togo’s every day and rarely speaks. LeeLoo who you picture could play Lacey in the movies. She sleeps with her belly against the wall…strange.

Moe and Wesley

LeeLoo, Alex and Peanut



Yfrog Social is ramping up. This is just the soft launch and we can’t wait until the official launch. Slowly tweaking functions, adding new features and creating new UI designs. We are working around the clock to make our users happy.

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