How Mitt Romney would govern

Mitt Romney speaks as he campaigns in Reno, Nev., on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012. | AP Photo


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The Arena

  • Former N.J. Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
  • Former Rep. Philip English
  • Gloria Feldt
  • Former Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-N.Y.)

"Mourdock's comments damage all Republicans and especially Romney."

Former N.J. Gov. Christine Todd Whitman Former EPA administrator

"Since Romney [does] not share that position, the controversy should have no bearing on the campaign."

Former Rep. Philip English Former member of Congress (R-Pa.), Co-Chair of Government Relations at Arent Fox LLP

"Mourdock drove one more nail into Romney's campaign coffin."

Gloria Feldt Author of "No Excuses" and former Planned Parenthood CEO

"I think the comments of Mr. Mourdock could certainly affect Gov. Romney."

Former Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-N.Y.)


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