
Reports, podcasts & more from the congressional watchdog, the U.S. Government Accountability Office. For our legal decisions & opinions, follow .

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Security Assistance: 's Ongoing Reforms Address Some Challenges, but Additional Information Is Needed to..

Today is America Recycles Day! How can government facilitate environmentally sound reuse & recycling of electronics?

ADA Paratransit Services: Survey of Public Transit Agency Officials on Services and Costs (GAO-13-18SP,..

Air Passenger Screening: Transportation Security Administration Could Improve Complaint Processes

Fighter Aircraft: Better Cost Estimates Needed for Extending the Service Life of Selected F-16s and F/A-18s

Flexible Funding Continues to Play a Role in Supporting State and Local Transportation Priorities

Highway Safety: and State Efforts Related to Accidents That Involve Non-Commercial Vehicles Carrying..

Medicare Fraud Prevention: CMS Has Implemented a Predictive Analytics System, but Needs to Define Measures to..

Small Business Research Programs: Agencies Are Implementing New Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Requirements

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