Turner Blasts Government Response to Gas Shortage in New York City

New York - Congressman Bob Turner (NY-09) released the following statement regarding the lack of access to gas for cars and backup power sources such as generators.

“The gas situation in Queens and Brooklyn is absolutely unacceptable. Now, dealing with another storm, thousands of New Yorkers are still stuck in the dark without gas for their cars and/or generators. I have been speaking with federal, state, and local officials about the dire need for resources, especially fuel, in our area. There is no reason why gas stations on major thoroughfares remain closed a week after power has been restored to them. Anything hindering their reopening is bureaucratic ineptitude and red tape. New Jersey is opening with less trouble in the same amount of time. I am well aware of the obstacles that plague the process of getting fueling stations operational again, but every day that passes is another day New Yorkers are left stranded and in the cold. Too many people are being forced to waste critical gallons of gas going from station to station and or waiting for hours on end in lines while they try and refill their tanks. The shipments are coming in, but New Yorkers are not getting the gas they so desperately need. There is no place for partisan politics or political posturing in a recovery effort. We need everyone to sit down and say how can we get this done. Separated, jurisdictional and public relations driven piece-by-piece efforts are proving ineffective. We need a singular, coordinated effort to resolve this issue. The equation is simple. There is a problem - it needs to be fixed - and each moment this is delayed puts more and more of our neighbors in danger.”

Congressman Bob Turner represents New York’s 9th Congressional district and serves on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and House Committee on Homeland Security.



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