Rep. Jeff Duncan

Rep. Jeff Duncan


Christian, husband, father, former small business owner, and Congressman for South Carolina's Third Congressional District

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Starting the show huge with Congressman from SC and great friend of the show- I'll get his thoughts on .

Pres. Obama is sadly mistaken if he thinks that the House won't get to the bottom of the Benghazi tragedy

If Amb Rice had nothing to do with Benghazi, why did the Admin use her as it's mouthpiece to mislead the American people?

QR code tip for politicians: Check out the QR code outside the door to 's office in the Cannon House Office Building.

Sending a big THANK YOU out to all our veterans who have served our country in uniform. Your service and example is an inspiration to us all

I keep thinking about the future for America...and I keep coming back to "Who is John Galt?"

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you in Congress for the next 2 years. I'm humbled & pledge to keep up the fight!


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