File photo of Micael Bloomberg (© REX Features)

CORRECTION: Bloomberg banned food donations to homeless shelters

2 days ago

Mayor Michael Bloomberg in March instituted a ban on food donations to homeless shelters. No, not because of food contamination, but because the city can’t properly assess salt, fat and fiber in donated food and thereby ensure starving people are getting the optimal levels of nutrition. Can’t have dumpy-looking homeless people on the streets! We knew Bloomberg was a health nut, but maybe he’s just anti-food? Maybe put this one to a vote — it’s hard to imagine what harm fresh soup and bagels (two items that have already been turned away) could do to a hungry person. [Source]  

CORRECTION: This story was corrected to show the decision by the Bloomberg administration occurred in March.

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Does this make any sense to you?

Fri 1:17 AM
Why do New Yorkers keep him as mayor ?
Fri 1:12 AM
Unbelievable! What's next? Warm blankets that aren't 100% cotton and with a certain thread count?
Fri 1:10 AM
So you are literally starving to death and any food would be wonderful, but some “down home comfort food” would feed your soul and not just your belly and this piece of work is worrying about salt and fat content, when these poor souls do not even have a roof over their heads!!!!!  Apparently this **** of a Mayor needs to spend a couple nights out on the street freezing to death, because that “fat” he does not want them to have, will help their body stay warm.  If anything homeless people need more of everything just to keep them going, because you never know when your next meal will be. 

Fri 1:06 AM
I think he's out of his flippin mind!!!
Fri 1:22 AM
Here's a man that was able to get the laws changed so he could run for a third term. And the people of NY allowed it. He thinks he's the President of New York City. He has more power than the governor. He's just power tripping
Fri 1:08 AM
This humanoid has some serious lack of common sense problems--first I want 2 16oz drinks--oh isn't that 32 oz?  Does he honestly feel the homeless care about the nutritional value of theri food??

I can see it now...

"This just in, the brilliant minds working for NYC have discovered a surefire way to cure the obesity epidemic...starvation by natural disaster."  Nice move...NOT!

Fri 1:07 AM
I'm surprised Bloomberg hasn't been kneecapped by some of his hungry constituents.
Fri 1:10 AM
Makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever. Would love to know what the people who had their donations turned away think,(as well as the people who desperately need them).
Fri 1:09 AM

Mr Bloomberg....This is not Gotham City....Stop acting like The Joker and cool you jets!!!

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