Senate Republicans

Senate Republicans


News and updates from Republican senators and their staff.

Washington, D.C. ·

Can you help us get 1 retweet for each day that's gone by since Senate Democrats last passed a budget? HINT: We need 1,300.

Today marks 1300 days since passed a formal budget. Our nat'l debt has increased by $5+ trillion since then.

Nov17 Natl Adoption Day 4000 kids will b adopted 2day,104,000 more wait for perm families.Foster/adoptive parents change lives w love/commit

As we celebrate today, I commend the many families across SD who have opened their hearts & homes to children in need. 

“Most effective path forward on is for Obama to present specific plan to deal w/nation’s problems”

Budget Committee job is to produce a budget. If committees were allowed to do their job more problems would be solved.

Amid A Chorus Of Pleas For 'Fiscal Realism' The President's Left-Wing Allies Mobilize 'Another Campaign' To Prevent It

Wydaje się, że ładowanie zajmuje dużo czasu.

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