Senate Republicans

Senate Republicans


News and updates from Republican senators and their staff.

Washington, D.C. ·

Budget Committee job is to produce a budget. If committees were allowed to do their job more problems would be solved.

Amid A Chorus Of Pleas For 'Fiscal Realism' The President's Left-Wing Allies Mobilize 'Another Campaign' To Prevent It

Today is National Rural Health Day. Read about some of the work I've been doing to improve rural health care:

Honored to meet Mr. Nicholas Kramer, 91-year-old WWII veteran, as he arrived in Washington last week to see his...

[New from RPC] Presidential leadership needed on fiscal cliff to avoid tax hike, sequester, almost certain recession.

Proud to be reelected by my colleagues today as the Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. cc:

Honored to have been chosen by my colleagues to help lead our caucus during such a critical time for this country

I thank my colleagues for re-electing me Chairman of the . I will continue to work hard to communicate our positive GOP vision.

Zdá se, že načítání trvá déle.

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