The Library of Congress' photostream / Tags / july31913


(The Library of Congress is the only person who has used "july31913" as a tag.)

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The reunion at "Bloody Angle" - Pickett's men in for[e]ground; Union men lined against wall (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Pickett's men at Bloody Angle (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Union Volunteers at Bloody Angle (LOC) by The Library of Congress

12th Pa. Volunteers at Bloody Angle (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Vice Pres't Marshall & wife - Gettysburg (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Sen. Moore of Penn. speaking at reunion - Bloody Angle - Gettysburg (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Vice Pres't & Mrs. Marshall, Gen. Leggett [i.e., Liggett] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Mrs. Helen D. Longstreet (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Vice Pres't & Mrs. Marshall - Gettysburg (LOC) by The Library of Congress

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