


Proudly serving Ohio's beautiful fourth district.

Washington, DC

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Today, we thank our veterans for their dedication to our country and remember those who have made the ultimate...

Check out @stosselfbn's show, "After The Welfare State" - 9pm EST tonight on Fox Business Channel.

Thanks to the USA Olympic Wrestling Team for stopping by our office today. What a great group of hard-working...

September 11th was a day of both horror and heroism. While radical terrorists showed the worst side of humanity,...

It's amazing that this administration did not realize the President would be landing in Mansfield at the very...

Thank you to all who have contacted our office about HR 459, a bill that I strongly support as a cosponsor. Watch...

The Court’s decision is disappointing. There are now no limits to the reach of the federal government. The...

I commend Chairman Issa for conducting the Fast & Furious investigation in a thorough, fair, and responsible...


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