
News and information about the premier map collections of the Library of Congress.

Washington, DC · http://www.loc.gov/rr/geogmap

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Our new exhibition is up and ready! Boston in the Gilded Age: Mapping Public Places will be on display in the...

in 1982: Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington, DC. Architect Maya Lin's competition drawing

1916 Jeannette Rankin (Montana) is the first woman elected to the United States Congress Map of Montana 1881

1861 Jefferson Davis is elected president of the Confederacy Map of the Confederate states 1864

1872, Rochester NY. In defiance of the law Susan B Anthony votes for the first time Map of 1872

1555 French Huguenots establish the France Antarctique colony (Rio de Janeiro) Capital do 1831

Bay of All Saints off coast of Brazil, . Named by Amerigo Vespucci who entered it on All Saints’ Day, November 1,1501.

Mapping Slavery: According to the 1860 census, the population of the United States that year was 31,429,891. Of ...


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