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Jobs: the Core Issue for Voters?


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    Rep. Kevin McCarthy, (R-Calif.), argues the key election issue is the economy.

  • Duration 3:40
  • Date Aug 30, 2012


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And to pick up with my next guest Kevin McCarthy -- the number three ranking Republican of the House of Representatives from the fight state -- California and and obviously you have been among those saying.

Embrace capitalism in rates private capital.

And embrace those who would utilized it wisely rather than -- public resources.


Is that resonated --

I think is resonating across as you look at this country and we've been through eleven recessions since World War II.

Every single one of them we've come out stronger this is -- this one mainly based upon the government policies put it.

The harder situation to come out of was 1982 Ronald Reagan but -- compare that to today we have eleven million more people working now.

Those policies -- in effect.

That's the challenge we face.

And the number one issue out there and other Democrats -- all the other ones not with the economy that is the core and that's what you heard Paul Ryan talked about that's been the core what the house has been doing.

Plane out of budget -- a tax policy that -- America compete.

And that really starts with small business and small business is the greatest generator of jobs but we're at it lowest point in seventeen years of new startups.

Uncertainty access to capital -- you what your health care gonna cost you what your tax policy going to be than what's the new regulation.

That is holding us back like never before.

You know I have another crackpot theory run the other way congress and but I think we live in -- days now when you instantly pointed out.

This recovery coming -- recession is the weakest on record but -- But we've almost gotten used to it.

And debt numbers.

And that if they're not so bad we're grateful -- it's it's only 375000.

New jobless there's a week we're grateful and I know at this point.

We shouldn't be seen anything -- But we've gotten used to getting our heads banged against the -- that would the doctors suggests we refrain from that we're grateful that.

The -- it's not it's -- Why is -- Republicans.

Change that dynamic that we can and should think higher better.

You raise a good point.

That's what happened our education system somehow now we accept the C instead of expecting NA.

And raising the bar careful congress tonight I -- college career on that could go ahead well that would have.

I couldn't get any I would junior -- have to have bastion.

That's -- let's start my first business my age nineteen writes I mean there's a fundamental difference.

But the thing I see is.

You gotta set a plateau were at a changing point in this country and much like what we were in 19801980.

We're afraid Japan -- passes and our economy.

Today we're afraid of China.

We're being held hostage by Iran and -- now holding the world hostage with --

What are your -- because when you know.

You know looks like if you've been brought forth tonight they're successful but I do know -- when you close you have no power.

Nights but when you get out of that -- a little more hours a week -- It was not a --

We're being controlled by somebody else right.

That's why that is the fundamental debate of this election.

Which direction do we wanna go this is the battle for the size and scope of what we want government to look like -- do wave election and 0806.

And twenty can't.

06 about the Iraq War -- the financial meltdown when he Jan with too much government that's like battling in the schoolyard and the teacher breaking up the fight what happens.

He gets up to fight after school -- no one knows who want me.

Battle for the size of local what you want country to -- Do you want greater government party -- unshackled.

I believe November 2.

The country's best picture you're good at this stuff.

Currently but I believe that America and I believe in this -- we feel --