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Army Pathfinders Investigate Potential Taliban Activity - Radio Package

Audio by Cpl. Bradley Hanson | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 06.24.2010

Package made from "Army Pathfinders Investigate Potential Taliban Activity" in the B-roll section about the Pathfinders of Fox Company, 5th Battalion, 101st Combat Aviation Brigade conduct as many as three...


Karez Network - Audio Version

Audio by Cpl. Bradley Hanson | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 06.15.2010

Package about how the Soldiers of FOB Wolverine are helping the local community help themselves by protecting their vital resource. Includes a sound bite by Capt. Stacy Pennington, Forward Support Company...


RIP TOA Change of Command Ceremony

Audio by Sgt. Robert Liddy | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 04.23.2010

The 82nd Aviation Brigade is being replaced by the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade. Col. Bill Gayler accepts the transfer of authority from Col. Paul Bricker during the change of command ceremony. Sgt. Robert...