America, our America, where have you gone?
Rejoice not in the outcome
of the last election, for surely
the most important issue was
not to be found on any ballot.
Our: pride, spirit, and - "God."

"Ask not what your Country can do for you"---  John F. Kennedy
"Government doesn't solve problems, it subsidizes them"---  Ronald Reagan
 Clinton/Obama - "legacies?"  America's - "rock star" presidents?
Ultra liberal agenda's? * Weak conservative messages? * "Enough!"


  If you never watch another video, don't miss the
one's below.  Yes, America, they're that "important!"
And, then?  Join us in returning - "God, Family, Country!"


God Bless

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've heard enough
about poor - "Islam" and "Allah."
Isn't it time to start hearing more about
"America", and - "God, Family, Country?"


White House Shocker!

Was a carnival con man/bank robber's
"money" really worth his Clinton
White House - "welcome-mat?"
And what about the carnival & fair "crimes/dangers" - "still out there?"


Santa  Comes  Early  With  Special  Gifts  For  You,  And  -  "America!"
America's Heroes Born * Carnie Secrets!
Get both, must-have, full-length, videos we guarantee you'll want in your - "special collector library!"
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$1.00 of every order will be used exclusively, starting "right now", to help
guarantee we elect a "true Conservative" - 2014 Congress & 2016 President!
Can your dollar really help, with the election just over?  You bet it can!  Every dollar counts - "now!"
"Twice" we've seen the effects of a "start-early" - "Liberal-money-machine!"  We say - "never again!"


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Both A, "Piece-Of-America's-History", That's Sure To Become,
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"Carnie Secrets!" Author's, "All About Carnivals!", is now selling for
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But  You  Must  Act  Now!
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Yes, I want to enjoy & own the, full-length, collector videos,
"America's Heroes Born" & "Carnie Secrets!", right now, for just
$10.00, including tax!  I understand $1.00 of my order will be used to help
guarantee we elect a "true Conservative" 2014 Congress & 2016 President!





America's  Heroes  Born  Over "14 minutes" of pure, American - "pride" & "patriotism!"
A cherished - "piece-of-America's-history!"  Feel the pride for years to come of your
personal acknowledgement for the day you proudly proclaimed - "God Bless America!"

Carnie  Secrets!  Over "45 minutes" that's a must for every carnival or fair visitor!
  See, hear, and feel, yourself among the: cons, dangers, Carnie life, and winning the games - "guaranteed!"
A, true - "piece-of-America's-history!"  Hear & own the entire "Clinton/Carnie" scandal - "caught on tape!"
You won't find this in "Clinton/Gore" books!  This "historic item" is - "only available here!"


GLS Entertainment Group, LLC, is the exclusive publisher of: America's Heroes Born & Carnie Secrets!
For: information, comments and/or interview requests, contact: GLS Entertainment Group, LLC
43 South Atlantic Av., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
(321) 784-4957 * * Or,Twitter: Jim Baker @HeroesBorn
Gene Sorrows is the owner/copyright holder of  -  America's Heroes Born & Carnie Secrets!

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