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The Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": One Year Later

"No overall negative impact"

Today marks one year since the repeal of  "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" went into effect. According to a study published by the Palm Center, in the past year there has been “no overall negative impact on military readiness or its component dimensions, including cohesion, recruitment, retention, assaults, harassment or morale.”

I am not surprised. I am proud of the professionalism and dedication of our men and women in uniform. I am proud to live in a country where those that put their lives on the line to protect my freedom are themselves free.

The doomsday predictions of those that hoped to keep gay and lesbian service members in the shadows have not come to pass. And so too, I hope, will be the case for marriage equality, employment and housing non-discrimination, and adoption rights. I am committed to this movement in my support of the Respect for Marriage Act, adding my voice to amicus briefs that argue to uphold the rights of my fellow citizens, and by championing measures that protect young people from harassment and bullying in schools.

With your help, we will achieve full equality for all.


Janice Hahn
Member of Congress
CA- 36th Congressional District