Sen. Rand Paul Offers to Triple Funding in Veterans Bill with New Amendment - 9/13/12

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Published on Sep 13, 2012 by

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  • NO MORE FOREIGN AID TO ANYONE! We are over $16 Trillion in debt and WE ARE BROKE! We borrow and spend more in 2 seconds than I make all year! For the love of God, STOP THE INSANITY!

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  • I am proud of Rand Paul, he is the best Senator we have in office right now, keep up the good fight

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  • Research on Wikipedia "Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic" and you'll see where this country is heading.Sen. Rand Paul for President in 2016! He has my vote!!!!! Keep the money here in America and help our own people! America should stop patrolling the world and telling other countries how to run their business! Read about how the republic of 2012 America parallels the republic WR in my upcoming book "Through Innocent Eyes - The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth!" We are on the same path!

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  • 202-224-3121- Capitol Switchboard. Call your senator in DC right now and demand that he/she stands in support of and vote for Senator Rand Paul's bill to END Foreign aid to Libya, Pakistan, Egypt! The senate will vote for it at midnight Eastern time, TODAY (9/21/2012) And if your senator ignores your demand, hold him/her accountable on Monday and ask why he/she is giving YOUR money to YOUR enemies in Pakistan, Egypt, and Libya. Hold your senator's feet to the fire,and then FIRE him out of office

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  • Mostly true except the problem is getting it to the floor through Harry Reid grrrrrr

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  • This guy should run for president in 2016. I am a vet, I would vote for him.

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  • I love this man!!! He should run for president and get obama out!!

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  • If they don't want to give Rand Paul the 15 minutes on the floor, why not make Political Ads of 30 second pieces of this very appeal and broadcast them Prime Time. I would think this would get rid of the negative ads and put the pressure on those who are stealing and misappropriating our money.

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