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Sen. Rand Paul on The Willis Report on Fox Business - 10/23/12

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Published on Oct 24, 2012 by

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  • Rand Paul 2016 if we make it.

  • Keep up the great work Senator Paul, we support you!!

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  • if Ron played the political game, just a bit, he would be elected President tomorrow.

  • @countupir he is playing the polictical game that Ron didnt

  • At least he never endorsed an idiot :-)

  • us government can't legally take money from foreign nations.

    so why are they allowed to give them money ?

  • ventura was a shit governor in minnesota, rand paul is way better

  • He is brushing up against RINO territory. There shouldn't be foreign aid provided by the US government for any reason. The American people have raised money for any cause privately, especially in the 80's. Rand needs to go back to the Ron Paul ethic. He seems infected by DC and giving way to what we hear from most cronies. Remember your upbringing Rand!

  • Jesse Ventura 2016 :-)

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