Jim Himes

Jim Himes


Congressman proudly representing Connecticut's 4th

CT and DC · http://twitter.com/jahimes

توييت‌ها همه / بدون پاسخ

Just addressed Wholesale Market Brokers Association. On transparency and Title VII regulatory evolution. In Shakespearian rhyming couplets.

Google informs me it's Auguste Rodin's 172nd Bday. Happy Birthday, sir! Your 'Fallen Caryatids' in the Musee Rodin bring tears to my eyes.

Headed to DC. Feeling pretty good about prospects for a deal averting fiscal cliff. It'll surely be sloppy, but I think we'll get there.

So thankful my constituents return me as their representative. And hugely proud of the campaign crew and volunteers. 60/40 is a big win.

Hard working crowd in the Fairfield Democratic HQ on the Post Road. Drop by and pitch in for these final hours!

Mayor Moccia just called me about paving outside Norwalk Dem HQ. He was not happy about it and is shutting it down before eve rush.

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