CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy It's Time We Found a CURE CURE Epilepsy Research
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Slash the 'Stache!

Slash the 'Stache!


20 percent of goal achieved.

Fundraising Goal: $1,000,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 1330
Total Value of Gifts: $196,436.54

Recent Donors

Sue Elliott


Nancy & Jerry Schwartz

Dr. Mahyar Kargar

Herb & Jane Tuttle


Kenneth Martin

Mrs. Jacquie Harrison

Mr. Usamah Alzuhair

Ellen Egan

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

The Goal: To raise the cash

David Axelrod's mustache is safe... for now. President Obama won PA, MI, and MN.

But that famous mustache is on the line again. David has promised to shave it, this time in support of another of his favorite causes - epilepsy research.

If you didn't see the 'stache challenge on Morning Joe, watch it here:

Joe Scarborough has kicked off this campaign with a $10,000 donation.

Help change the face of epilepsy...and of David Axelrod by raising $1 million. Donate today!

About CURE & Epilepsy

CURE is the leading non-governmental organization fully dedicated to funding epilepsy research.

-CURE has raised over $20 million
-Over 83ยข of every dollar donated is invested in cutting-edge research
-Epilepsy affects more than multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and Parkinson's disease combined.
-1 in 26 will develop epilepsy in their lifetime.

It's time we found a cure!

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Guest Book

Please add your name and a short message to our Guest Book. Thank you.

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A Fan in Texas
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Dear Mika, Joe and David,
Thank you so much for coming together to raise funds for epilepsy research. Thank you, Mika and Joe, for your wonderful morning show! Joe, you are my favorite Republican (the only one, I'm afraid -- well, you and Olympia Snowe). David, thank you for sharing your family's story with epilepsy and for the work you and your wife do to encourage and inspire those of us who live with this chronic disease. Thank you also, for your tireless work to re-elect President Obama.
All the best in your efforts to reach your goal - looking forward to seeing Joe sporting a 'stache!

Laura Huddle
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
I want to thank Morning Joe for starting this campaign. David Axelrod and his wife are an inspiration for fighting for finding a cure for epilepsy. I watch Morning Joe every morning and I love your show. Joe and Mika are awesome. Thanks again for everything your doing.
David Axelrod for President 2016.

Cassandra Robison
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Dear Joe and David, thank you for your endeavor, which I support. I'll donate, share this information and hope to send more people with donations on to you soon. My son has epilepsy. Blessings to you both.

George Nolin
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Joe good luck on the quest for a million.

Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Love the idea. Love to demonstrate the goodness and generosity of the American people. I am a Democrat and I wish more Republicans were like Joe. Joe is able to articulate his side without demonizing opponents view (most of the time). I am actually more fiscally conservative in my own life than many of my Republican friends. Love the show and Mika is kind of hot.

Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Epilepsy was a condition I knew next to nothing about until my 20 year old son was diagnosed with it not quite a year ago.
Thanks to the Axelrods for helping to bring attention and research money to this important cause!

J. K.
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Congratulations on President Obama's re-election.
I enjoy watching you, Mica, and your guests everyday.
I am mailing in a donation of $ 50.- for this cause. I have epilepsy but have been very fortunate that with the proper medication I have been able to live a somewhat normal life. There are many out there that can't say that. David, my prayers are with you, your wife, and your daughter as well as the many others who have been diagnosed with epilepsy. Good luck.

An "Old White Couple" for President Obama
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
We gave as a thank you to David Axelrod for doing such a great job of getting our president re-elected. Also to Morning Joe for being such a great source of true "fair and balanced" commentary.

Helen and Cindy
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Joe, Mika, and Willie -- love the show and thanks for airing this charity event. Keep up the great work. David, thanks for helping re-elect such a wonderful president!

Fri, Nov 09, 2012
I have had to register as a Republican in order to survive in East Tennessee but thank Goodness for our secret ballot system. David, thank you for proving that honesty, brains and compassion can win presidential campaigns. Thank you for helping President Obama fulfill his vision for this country. Joe and Mika, my husband and I watch you ever morning and after nearly 40 years of marriage, you two sound an awfully lot like us. Keep laughing and bringing some sanity to the political arena. Thank all of you for shining the light on epilepsy and the research that needs to be done.

Fri, Nov 09, 2012
I'm here. I'm waiting. Joe lost his bet.

Donald Weaver
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
I am broke. But I will always give money if Mr Axelrod asks. I thank him for getting the greatest president we have ever had, re-elected! Thank You. The Best of luck with haveing your stash shaved.

George Wyklige
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Thank you for doing what is another signature American value, helping others.

Beverly Munnell
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Wish I could donate more.

Peter Kriete
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
My mother who is 86 years old has lived with epilepsy since she was 30 years of age. She has had open brain surgery to try to repair the part of the brain that triggers her seizures and has taken extremely strong and somewhat toxic medications for years to try to control her seizures. I am proud to make this donation on her behalf and to support research into this debilitating condition.

Fri, Nov 09, 2012
This is still a disease that carries a terrible "Stigma". My husbands cousin Little Eddie (who would be 79 years old now) was born PRE-MATURE. His Mother died at child birth. He was blamed for her death by his Mother's family, his Father, and his Father's family. His Fathers Mother raised him. Eddie was very thin wore very thick glassed and was thought to be a Mean Horrible Child that had "FITS" striking and kicking his grandmother. He was diagnosed with Epilepsy at the age of twelve. His grandmother died when he was 15. His father was a cook for General Patton in the Army. His Father... died from Tuberculosis (another reason for the family to ostracize Eddie) During the sixties I learned the family history. He passed away 16 years ago. The last two years of his life was in a nursing home. He told me that he finally had a home where people cared for him. My older son became very close to him, seeing him nearly everyday. We loved him!.... Yes, we voted for Obama and watch Morning Joe.

Erin Stuart
Fri, Nov 09, 2012
Great way to settle the 'stache bet! I agree with David that Trump should donate his $5 million to Slash the 'Stache. This is a great cause and this bet conveys a spirit of giving this country seems to be lacking! Love the show Joe and Mika!!

Evan Barett Brandes
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
What a wonderful cause!! As a New Yorker living in Australia it is a great use of everyones times to raise funds for this cause. Now that the election is over we can get some real work done!

Meme Music - Tauscha
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
In support of David Axelrod, he believed in the dream so I support his cause. It would have been great to see Joe grow a 'Stache. Straight up comedy. But good luck to finding the cure! Peace.

Alan DeWitt
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
This disease touched my family forty years ago. Let's solve it.

Sandra Boyle, MD
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
Was waiting with bated breath to see Joe grow the stache. Joe should never bet against someone as smart as Axelrod! Just ask the rest of the GOP...

ochereome nnanna
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
I have seen this affliction in action and I believe the world is way behind finfing a cure. Let's get on with it!

Debbie Phillips
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
My boyfriend told me about this..I did not see this on Morning Joe. I had to change th channel ,my grandson wanted to watch his program. I have Epilepsy and their is never any funds given that I know of in my area , not even a Walk.
Thank you Mika and Joe and of course David....and this would not be Obama!! It is a struggle everyday. Many Blessings to all who have Epilepsy and their families. Many thanks to all the donations.xoxox God Bless

Nick Gompper
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
Very moved by Lauren's story. Looking forward to seeing a 'stachless Axelrod, while I grow one for Movember!

Sandra walker
Thu, Nov 08, 2012
congratulations to Morning Joe for lending their names to a great, normally overlooked, cause.

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Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for epilepsy by raising funds for research and by increasing awareness of the prevalence and devastation of this disease. CURE will use all funds at their discretion for the organization's greatest needs. By supporting CURE, you are not only helping to advance scientific progress - you are giving hope to the millions of people affected by epilepsy.

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