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Symbol Last Change Vol % Chg
CBSA 39.21 1.23 589
CYD 17.08 1.31 565
ESGR 119.79 7.81 502
POST 36.05 1.80 322
STN 42.07 1.97 312
Sell rule 1, Page 263 HTMMIS

About NSM by abe

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Base on base

About IT by abe

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Size matters

About TYC by abe

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Estimate and Ownership data is provided by Thomson Reuters.

Dow Jones

CME FOR S&P INDICES: The market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.

NASDAQ: Index data provided by NASDAQ on a 20-minute delayed basis.

Real-Time prices provided by BATS EXCHANGE®.