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Biggert and Kirk Applaud High Court Decision on Asian Carp


           Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-13th-IL) and a spokesperson for U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) today issued the following statements after the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would not consider a lawsuit filed by the State of Michigan to force closure of Chicago’s locks and waterways:

           “Illinois has been leading the charge to protect our lakes, and it’s time for our neighbors to stop fighting us with lawsuits and work with us to deploy scientifically-sound solutions.  Last week, the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee released its 2012 Asian Carp Strategy Control Framework, a multi-agency plan outlining 58 new and continuing actions to keep Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes.  This framework marks the latest development in a decade-long battle, and we hope that our colleagues throughout the region will join us in supporting these and other efforts to protect all the treasures afforded to us by the Great Lakes, both environmental and economic,” said Biggert.

           “This is the third time that the courts have rejected misguided efforts by out-of-state officials to close Chicago’s shipping lanes and waterways, and it remains the right decision.  The evidence is clear that closing the locks would do little to stop the carp, but it could cause tremendous damage in terms of jobs destroyed, commerce lost, and basements flooded,” said a spokesperson for Kirk.


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