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Meehan Visits Laurel House, Hosts Discussion on Domestic Violence

Norristown, PA – In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness month, U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today toured Laurel House, a domestic violence agency that provides a safe haven for abused women and children throughout Montgomery County. Following the tour, Meehan held a roundtable discussion with law enforcement, local victims advocates, and others about domestic violence and the need for Congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

“Particularly during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it is time to re-examine how we can further protect victims and prevent future violence,” said Meehan. “I appreciate the opportunity to host this discussion today focusing on ensuring that our priorities are in line with the needs of victims.”

Joining Meehan today was Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Ferman, Executive Director of Laurel House Beth Sturman, and representatives from Delaware County Women Against Rape, Crime Victims Center of Chester County, Security on Campus, Victim Services Center of Montgomery County and others.

Meehan has previously held several other roundtable discussions throughout the 7th district focused on the issue of protecting victims and preventing domestic violence. Today Meehan called for Congress to reauthorize VAWA, a law first passed in 1994. VAWA authorizes programs that help communities establish rape crisis centers, assist and protect victims of violence, and coordinate law enforcement, the judicial system and victim advocates to prevent abuse in the first place. Throughout his time as District Attorney of Delaware County and now as a member of Congress, Meehan has been a strong advocate for VAWA. He voted against the House bill earlier this year in part because it did not adequately address crime on college campuses.

Meehan has introduced H.R. 5844, the Protecting Victims on Campus Act of 2012, bipartisan legislation seeking to reform and strengthen safety protections on college campuses. Women on college campuses are often victims of dating abuse, stalking, date rape and sexual assault. In fact, the Justice Department estimates that one in five female college students will become victims of sexual assault.

“We need to keep in mind the many victims who endure violence everyday – often suffering in silence,” said Meehan. “It’s time to extend the Violence Against Women Act and enact legislation to strengthen protections for students on college campuses.”
