Press Releases

Nov 14 2012

President Should Offer an Economic Plan That Has a Realistic Chance of Becoming Law

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell released the following statement today regarding the need for presidential leadership on a specific and serious plan to solve the fiscal crisis, a plan that can be signed into law:

“With a potentially devastating tax hike set to strike nearly every American at the end of the year, Republicans have implored the President to put the campaign rhetoric aside and propose a balanced plan of the kind that Republicans have repeatedly said we could support. Such a plan would require both parties to do something they would not ordinarily do without either harming the economy or compromising our core principles. The scope of this challenge calls for presidential leadership. That’s what the American people should be able to expect, and that’s what Republicans are calling for. Republicans have shown a willingness to find common ground. It’s now the President’s turn to propose a specific plan that includes meaningful entitlement reforms to strengthen and protect these programs for future generations, and that can actually attract the support of both parties as that is the only type of plan that has a realistic chance of becoming law.”



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