Speaker Boehner Nominates Rep. Sessions to Chair House Rules Committee in 113th Congress

WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced today that he has nominated Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) to chair the House Committee on Rules for the 113th Congress:

“Pete Sessions is a strong leader, a trusted advisor, and a personal friend -- and I’m proud to have him heading up the House Rules Committee in the next Congress.  Republicans pledged to make the legislative process more open and accountable, and to change the secretive way business had been done for decades.  A lot of those reforms happen in the Rules Committee.  In Pete, we have a chairman who is not only respected by both parties, but a true public servant who will help ensure the House operates in a way that reflects the will, the priorities, and the expectations of the American people.  He will play a central role in helping us keep our pledge, and I look forward to working with him in his new role.

“I also want to thank David Dreier for his years of service on the Rules Committee.  His tenure as chairman was marked by some of the most important open government reforms our institution has seen in generations.  I know I’m not alone in saying he will be truly missed.”

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