Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy


I serve as the Majority Whip in the U.S. House of Representatives.

California ·

Politics, Lunatics, Laws, Losers & Their Lies: Keep your eyes/ears open & your head down.

US Senate, Congress, Governors, Officials, Agencies, Political Organizations, News, Commentators

Congress さんが作成

A list of all the legislators in the US Congress

Senators & Congressmen

Politics さんが作成

News さんが作成

A list of politicians, politicos, operatives, and national political people.

US-Political-heads さんが作成

politycy さんが作成

Republicans さんが作成

Members of the U.S. Republican Party across the country

The list of elected officials that I follow

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 113th Congress


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