
Luke 12:40 You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Kudos to Ben Sturner of , who told me 10 years ago that adderall would be the next big performance enhancer in sports

We'll have a piece on this tonight on SR RT Reid's call to curtail use of filibuster gaining in Senate

Susan Rice meeting with Sens. Collins, Lieberman and Corker today. Needs 5 Repubs to hit 60 votes and cloture for Sec/State nom

@instapunidt asks "how much would you spend for one Hour with Sandra Fluke?" given what she is famous for the one liners write themselves

gender issues never pls all rt? as a person of conviction, faith and family 1st, i believe in everyone chooing their own path. lmk thoughts!

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