Rep Donna F Edwards

Rep Donna F Edwards


Congresswoman representing Maryland's 4th Congressional District

Washington, D.C.

Proud of President Obama 4 standing up 4 UN Amb Susan Rice. Let's get 2 bottom of what happened & honor the Americans whose lives were lost.

To really honor Vets make sure they all have housing and jobs They don't want hand outs They want a hand up. Lift them!

So proud to honor our nation's who served in peacetime & in conflict. From my Pop-Pop to Dad to my brother who served. Awesome!

Employers hired more than expected in Oct - the 32nd straight month of private sector job growth. More work needed to keep econ growing.

32 str8 months of private sector job growth. We have a lot of work to do, but our econ is heading in right direction.Where r Rs?

Power Outage Tip: Make sure you have a full tank of gas and cash on hand in case of prolonged power outages

The continues to be a national leader in maintaining quality while keeping down tuition in tough economic times.

The US has the most unequal distribution of wealth and income of any major country in the industrialized world.

Outrageous in this era of fiscal belt tightening, that the GOP House has wasted $1.5m in taxpayer $$ on defending discriminatory .

It’s National Mammography Day – remember the importance of prevention and early detection:

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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