President Obama's Diwali Message

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Uploaded by on Oct 15, 2009

The President extends holiday wishes for Diwali, or festival of lights. (public domain)


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  • That's called global leader....

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  • he is probably the most well-spoken man I have ever heard.

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  • New age?? Hinduism is thousands of years older than christianity and most other religions. If anything, christianity should be considered new age!

    Did you know there are many similarities between the story of Jesus and the story of Krishna, who was born 2,000 years earlier? At least hinduism accepts other religions as being on the same path to God, regardless of the minor differences. That was the original way, and all other religions could learn a lot from this approach imo!!

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  • Typical new age nonsense. All religions teach something different and teach a different God. Only one can be right. The bible is the ONLY book to have foretold specific historic events centuries before they happened. ONLY Jesus claimed to be God in the flesh and proved it with documented miracles seen by eyewitnesses. When you stand before Jesus to be judged, ask him how allah, vishnu, laxmi, krishna, buddha and all the other pagan gods are doing.

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  • Thank you for recognizing our holiday.

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  • Wish INdia was HIndu nation.

    Hope all hindus wake up on this Deepavali and know their enemy before they are dead and destroyed.

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  • i AM THANKING YOU for your globalism that needs acknowledgement. Bless Dwali and you both who put your hearts out !!! Interesting how people didn't receive you for the LOVE of the WORLD. I grew up everywhere too !!! Namaste.

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  • Excellent message from the greatest world leader.

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  • this was uploaded in 2009 !!! isnt this an old video?

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  • A very nice message for the DiWaLi festival from mr. President...... wishing a very happy diwali to everyone around the globe....... :) :) may the shimmering diyas enlighten your hearts with joy...

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  • Thank you Mr President n wish u good luck

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  • thanks...wish u the same.......

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