Sharebar 1.2 Released

I’ve just finished an update to the Sharebar WordPress plugin that adds color selectors for the vertical widget, new ShareThis buttons and a switch to the Facebook Like (from Facebook Share) button. I had planned to have AJAX loading of buttons finished with this release however it’s proving to be a bit more difficult than I originally expected.


You can view the plugin details at or view a simple demo.

1.2 Change Log:

  • Added ability to change color of vertical widget from admin panel
  • Added ShareThis buttons
  • Changed Facebook Share to Facebook Likes

To-do List:

  • AJAX loading of buttons
  • Better browser compatibility (specifically Internet Explorer)
  • More default buttons

So it turns out AJAX loading isn’t as easy as I thought. While several buttons work, many do not function properly when called from another page via jQuery’s GET function. I ended up switching to the Facebook ‘Like’ button as the default over the Facebook ‘Share’ widget, as I think it will be more consistent with displaying the actual share/like numbers (a common complaint of the previous Share button). Also, the default buttons now include ShareThis, which include a couple of great E-mail and Share buttons. I left the ShareThis Facebook button code as well, in case anyone preferred using that over the new Facebook Like one.

If you have ideas to improve Sharebar or would like to contribute to the code, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail. I could definitely use some help in debugging the random IE/Thesis theme errors!

  • Pingback: Sharebar 1.2 Released

  • Arpit Shah

    Hi there,

    Nice plugin. I have written article on this plugin on my blog here:

    Just a quick question on this release: what do you mean by “Changed Facebook Share to Facebook Likes”?


    • Monjurul Dolon

      Hey Arpit,

      Thanks for the review! Previously, Sharebar made use of the Facebook ‘Share’ button, the first version released by Facebook. Now Sharebar uses the new Like button, which behaves and looks slightly different.

      Here is an article that illustrates the differences between the two:

      Thanks again!

      • Arpit

        Thanks. But let me rephrase my q again. Do I suppose to see FB like button instead of FB Share button after upgrade?

      • Monjurul Dolon

        Hey Arpit,

        Thanks for answering Rahul’s question below, I appreciate it! To answer your question, you should see a change in buttons only if you reset all of your buttons. What I did was replace the Share button with the new Like button and added a new ShareThis widget that includes the old Facebook Share button.

        So if you reset the buttons, you have the choice of using either button in your Sharebar widget.

        Hope that helps!

  • retirebyforty

    I updated to 1.2 and now I do not see the share bar anymore.

  • Pingback: Tweets that mention Sharebar 1.2 Released --

  • Randommization

    Thanks for the plugin. Just upgraded to the new version. The FB like button is displaying “207k Likes” by default. Any way to fix this?

    @Arpit That’s changing FB share button to FB like button. Facebook sees both differently.

  • Rahul B.

    Hey Monjurul,

    For some reason, after upgrading to 1.2 the Sharebar no longer appears on my posts. It was working fine before the upgrade. I looked into seeing if overflow:hidden was in my source code, and it was not. I do not know what the problem is. Any ideas?

    Thank you!

    • Arpit

      Just go to “Settings” and provide “Minimum width in pixels – 1000″ as you should see it blank after upgrade.

  • Rahul B.

    Thank you for answering my question.

    Now, I have another question. For my Facebook “Like” button on Sharebar it says I have 212k likes, and when I like a post it shows up as “Rahul likes on” on my Facebook profile. How do I fix this issue?

    Thank you!

    • Monjurul Dolon

      I actually just answered your question in the forums too – I think the best bet is to try replacing the Facebook Like code with the one generated from Facebook at the following URL:

      Hope that works!

      • Rahul B.

        So I need to enter a specific URL for each post? I think I’ll just use the Facebook Share button instead. Thanks for your help!

      • Monjurul Dolon

        You can actually leave the URL field blank, doing so will use the URL of the page the button is embedded on.

    • Randommization

      @Rahul try using the XFBML version in place of the iframe. That one defaults to the active page (and works).

  • Rahul B

    Hey Monjurul,

    Your 1.2.1 update still hasn’t fixed the Facebook Like button problem. It’s still showing 213k for the number of likes for some reason. Just thought I’d let you know!

    - Rahul

    • Rahul B

      Nevermind! It works perfectly fine. Please delete both of these comments.

  • Ronen Bekerman

    Hi, this is a great plugin and I love it… I was wondering though – how do i change the Tweet button to use my own custom short URL and not the default provided by twitter?

    • Monjurul Dolon

      Unfortunately, I don’t think you can customize the URL shortener service used by the official Twitter button, but check out the API at:

      You may be able to find another Tweet button to use your own short URL, or you could always build your own! Check out Tweet Meme and the other options out there – hope that helps!

  • http://sdasdas Dan

    How do I get this crap off? i can’t read the article or view the pictures!

    • Monjurul Dolon

      If by “crap” you mean my plugin, just disable or uninstall it (like with any other WordPress plugin).

      • Angel

        How do I disable it? I don’t even know how it was ever enabled on my computer but since I can’t move it out of the way, I hate it because I can’t read the articles!

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  • David P

    I was wondering, I have version 1.2.1 installed and the facebook shares do not seem to work. When clicked, it shows:

    TweetShare(function() { var s = document.createElement(‘SCRIPT’), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName(‘SCRIPT’)[0]; s.type = ‘text/javascript’; s.async = true; s.src = ‘'; s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1); })(); Email TweetShare(function() { var s = document.createE

    in the description box, instead of showing a snippet of the article like in the demo.

    Can you please help?

  • kropped

    Great plugin!

  • David P

    Does anyone have any idea why it is showing that code instead of a snippet ??

    • Monjurul Dolon

      Hey David,

      This has actually happened to a couple of others – in most cases it is because the meta tags in your theme are incorrectly being generated. The Facebook Share button pulls the text from that – the Meta description – and some plugin or theme may be causing that Twitter message instead of the rightful description.

      Hope that helps!

      • davidp

        Thanks for your answer,

        The only other meta tags generated are from Yoast WordPress SEO plugin.

        Also, the sharebar generates the og:description tag since disabling the plugin removes that tag from the source code.

        So what should I do to have it properly generate the description?

      • Monjurul Dolon

        Sharebar has no code in it to generate any og:description or Meta tags – it’s simply not possible for the plugin to do that. Perhaps it’s one of the buttons? (try resetting the buttons, or disabling them one by one)

        Also, which theme are you using?

  • davidp

    Reset didn’t work, it did change things. Facebook is now “Likes” and sharethis is the actual facebook share, but still same javascript error.

    I am using AskIt theme by Elegant Themes…


  • davidp

    after playing around in the codes, seems like it was the “Like” plugin which interacted with it. So that was fixed, but I prefered the facebook share that was on the older version of the bar. Why is it through sharethis now? and it opens in a big new window, I want it to open in a nice smaller window like it used to on the older version

    Can you provide code for small and big buttons so reproduce the old facebook share? I can create a custom one…


    • raymund


      We have the same problem. Can you tell me how exactly you fixed it. What specific codes did you changed? Thanks.

      Raymund Camat

      • Daniel Chenery

        The easiest thing to do would be to add the official Facebook share button, or an alternative such as

        The official Facebook share button code is;

        Large Button

        <a name="fb_share" type="box_count"></a>
        <script src=""

        Small Button

        <a name="fb_share"></a>
        <script src=""

        Hope this helps :-)

  • Daniel

    I really love this plugin, however a few things are stopping me from using it at the moment.
    I would love to see transparency in the sidebar, but the main feature from stopping me using this is the Tweet Button.
    At the moment I use the tweet button (placed in manually) with the “Tweet URL = SHORT URL” and the “COUNT URL = POST URL”
    Seeing as I own my own, custom, short domain I would love to see integration with the “wp_get_shortlink” feature.
    I tried adding it manually, but it didn’t work :(

  • David P

    Can you provide code for small and big buttons so reproduce the old facebook share? I can create a custom one…

    I don’t like the integrated one with sharethis.. I want it directly plugged to facebook.

    thx for your help :)

  • Daniel

    I’m not too sure on the official Facebook code, but I use the one from
    Works exactly the same! (+ I think it looks nicer)

    Large Button

    <script src=""></script>

    Small Button

    <script>var fbShare = {
    size: 'small',
    <script src=""></script>

    If you feel like trying it -You don’t know until you try! :)

    • Daniel

      An example of both buttons can be seen here –

      • Monjurul Dolon

        The one thing I like about the button is that it consistently shows the number of shares, whereas the official Facebook button is kind of spotty (at least on my site).

      • Shane S

        Also – the like button on IE doesn’t work for your website either. Won’t let you click it – and doesn’t show the count. Def needs some fixin love!

      • Daniel Chenery

        The like button doesn’t work on mine? Thanks for the heads up… What website did you try it on?
        Also what version of IE?

      • Shane S

        I have IE 8 installed. Can’t hit your like button. Nothing happens

      • Daniel Chenery

        Shane, what “like” button and you refering to? The one on the homepage or the one on the “posts” page?

      • Shane S

        Hmmm, its working now. It was the one on this page But it works in IE8 now. Weird. Wasnt working earlier.

  • davidp

    Where do you find the official Facebook Share button? It doesn’t exist anymore it seems, on facebook it shows only the Like button generators…

    • Daniel

      Just not happy with alternatives are ya? ;-)

      Facebook Share (Large)

      <a name="fb_share" type="box_count"></a>
      <script src=""

      Facebook Share (Small)

      <a name="fb_share"></a>
      <script src=""

      Do I get brownie points now?

      • Shane S

        This worked great, thanks. I prefer the ‘like’ one pre-installed in ShareBar because it always shows the count. For this share one – it doesn’t show the count sometimes – unless/until i share it.

        However, I had to use this ‘share’ version because the Facebook ‘like’ version pre-installed with ShareBar doesn’t work with IE. Sometimes the count box shows a “>” sign instead of the count. It disappears on a refresh. Still, couldn’t have that. Rather see nothing than “>”.

        Any way to have the count always show on this?

      • Daniel Chenery

        The share count isn’t showing on the original “share” button?
        Hmm, I’ve never heard of that bug, but I know (read in Mashable) that Facebook are trying their best to “kill off” the share button

    • Daniel

      I agree, can be very accurate.
      It counts “likes” as shares, and if someone is to post the link to their feed (thats one share) then somebody clicks like on the post counts that as another share! :o)

  • David P

    Thank you for your help Daniel

  • Kemm

    Sorry I don’t really like this add-on/plugin. It’s totally blocked my view, and no, I don’t want to change it to a different style or angle. I want it removed, but, I don’t know how to remove i. Dave, would you kindly email me steps to unistall your plugin on the internet explorer ?


  • kemm

    Sorry Monjurul dolon, I have this on firefox as well, an can’t get it off. Help me remove this off my browsers, please. Thanks.

  • kemm

    Sorry, now I finally get it. This plugin installed on the page, not on my browser. I’ve blocked it from appearing from any page I load next time. Thanks.

  • Daniel

    To “remove” the “sharebar” just deactive (and uninstall) the plugin.
    Click “plugins” on the left. Scroll down until you see “Sharebar” then press “deactivate” (in red) and voila! The sharebar should be gone.

    As an extra step, to save more memory you can uninstall the plugin, or just keep it there in case you’d like to use it later.
    I have about 30+ plugins deactivated, yet still installed

  • Debby

    Installed your plugin, easy and straightforward, thanks.

    When I share to Facebook, the resultant posting there starts with ‘tweettweet’ and then the first words of my blog post. That posting also sites ‘’ as the url, rather than the blogsite url.

    I can’t find anyway to fix these things. Can you help me please?

    Many thanks,

    • Daniel

      The “” is related to ShareThis, this is probably the same issue as for the tweet button.
      Just manually add the share with the code given above, it should fix it.

      Also, the “sharebar” shows on my screen (1024×600). Might want to change your pixel settings

    • Shane S

      I am having the same problem. The ShareBar was working fantastic. But now it isn’t. It is now pulling in text from the ShareBar (“Tweet Email”) into my post. And no more floating ShareBar!

      I tried manually adding the code but that doesn’t get me a floating box, but rather just places the buttons within my post.

      I tried deactivating and uninstalling and still no go. I even tried a plugin called clear options and removed all database references to ShareBar after uninstalling. Still no go.

      Any fix for this?

      • Daniel Chenery

        I just used “Platform Preview” and ran it in debug mode for IE7, 8, 9 on
        And the share bar looked perfectly okay

      • Shane S

        That is correct… I got the ShareBar to finally float again. However, it is still causing issues. On the same page you tried, look at the sidebar widget titled “freebies”. Notice the posts all begin with “Tweet Email” which is being picked up from the ShareBar application. I can remove this text by uninstalling your app. Why is this happening?

      • Daniel Chenery

        Oh yeah, I never noticed that. Looks like it on Chrome too. This isn’t actually my App – Aha!
        I just subscribed to the comments, I know how busy developers can get.
        I used Chrome’s “Inspect Element” service but it just came up as paragraph text, so I’m not too sure what is causing that exactly. Appears to be some kind of cross-coding somewhere.

        Also, I’m too sure if you want to, but I use this code

        <?php the_title(); ?>

        for my Tweet Button, it Tweet’s the Post Title but doesn’t tweet the site title. So it will remove the term “:plum savings” from your Tweet – Not too sure if you’ll be interested.

  • Pingback: Rangesh.COM » Blog Archive » Sharebar Wordpress plugin

  • Cristian Artorius

    Hello Monjurul. You have a great plugin. But I have two questions:
    1. Before this plugin, I used a different one and had some numbers of shares displayed. But now, with your plugin, some of the shares are not displayed – for example the number of facebook shares/tweets is now back to 0. How can I retain the numbers from the former plugin?

    2. I don’t quite understand the “Minimum width in pixels required”. If someone uses a screen resolution of 1024×768, the vertical sharebar won’t be visible and I want it to stay on bottom of the post (for those using this resolution only). Is this possible?

    Thank you very much, I’m waiting for your answer.

    • Daniel Chenery

      Perhaps they are “sharing” a different URL? The permalink structure could have changed, or maybe you were sharing a short URL
      Such as or and now it’s

      Or they might just need time to “check” for updates. When I switched from official buttons to “Share This” I had 0 shares

  • Rahul B.

    Hey Monjurul,

    For some reason, when someone “Likes” a post on my site, it posts a link to their Facebook profile as well as a thumbnail for one of the advertisements I have on my right sidebar. Is this an issue with the plugin or is it on Facebook’s end?

    Thanks for your help!

    • Daniel Chenery

      I think this is related to a Facebook issue, Facebook *picks* a random image from the page to display for a post (With mines it’s the “login with Twitter” button).
      I don’t *think* there is anyway to override this, although there might be something in Facebook Developers

      • Daniel Chenery

        Also, check this page out (I’ve not tried it myself)

      • Rahul B.

        Awesome resource! Thank you Daniel. Will wait 24 hours to see if it has worked.

      • Daniel Chenery

        No problem, + Good luck :)

  • Electric Robin

    Great Plugin!

  • electric robin

    Super Plugin!

  • pre menopause symptoms

    Your blog is very useful. Thank you so much for providing plenty of useful content. I have bookmark your blog site and will be without doubt coming back. Once again, I appreciate all your work and also comeing here to communicate with me.

  • Brad

    Hey there, I have an issue with the new Facebook Like button and Sharebar. Ive set it up using XFBML so when users click the like button, a popup shows up allowing them to leave a comment. However it seems only in the sharebar this feature does not work properly. When you click it, it does seem to pop it up but only within the box, thus cutting out a significant bit of the comment box.

    Try it out in any of my blog posts … it works everywhere else I have the Like button, so I think Sharebar is causing the issue.

    • Daniel Chenery

      I think, what this issue is, is relative to the size of the ShareBar DIV. The like button can only “extend” to the given size of the sharebar (Which I believe is a div, inside another div)

      • Brad

        I will admit that this is an inconvenience, because users cannot leave comments anymore :/ and I don’t want to extend it to 450px just to allow for that. Had to revert to the old share button.

      • Daniel Chenery

        As stated above, is a great alternative! :)

  • Naren

    Hello! I’ve been having a problem with sharebar and the facebook like button. Unfortunately, when I like a post (random ones, actually) sometimes it shows random code in the description bar and sometimes it shows the excerpt. Your guidance in correcting this would be greatly appreciated!

  • Harald Gärttner

    Like the Button very much!

    Would love if the Facebook Button has an option to see who has liked a post. So far it only displays the number.

    With the Twitter Button I can hit the number and it leads me to a twitter pages with the search for the link.


  • datastage

    This was the one I am looking for .
    Can I keep this code in my website

    Because it is a blogger site.

    • Daniel Chenery

      This WordPress plugin will not work on Blogger/Blogspot

  • blutorange

    I have installed your plugin and it works fine on firefox on MAC&PC
    But I have trouble with IE. The Sharebar is supposed to show on the right of the post, but it shows on the left (so above my content…)
    And also a little problem with Safari, the Facebook button get a scrollbar inside the button….
    Any idea ?
    Thanks for your help.
    Here is my website (still in progress)

    • Daniel Chenery

      What version if IE did you test in? I tried in IE9 (+ Compatability Mode) and the sharebar was on the right hand side of the page.

      As for the scrollbar showing, sounds like an iFrame issue. I’m not the developer for the plugin, is the FB Like Button placed via XFBML or iFrame?

  • blutorange

    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for your answer !
    I am using version IE8, so I hope most people do update in IE9 ;-)
    Is there anything to do for version IE8?

    For the facebook button, yep it’s an Iframe, I change the height to 70px but it doens’nt change anything.. really weird..

    • Daniel Chenery

      Nope, unless there is an ignore code.

      As for the scrollbar, does is say anywhere scrolling=”false” or scrolling=”no”. (I can’t remember what the correct term is).
      If not then you should add one, you’ll also need

  • blutorange

    I have deleted “overflow:hidden” because I read somewhere it was a problem with IE… so I am going to put it back…
    For the ignore code, where am I supposed to put it ?
    Do you have a full exemple about it ?
    Thanks again

    • Daniel Chenery

      Even if it is a problem with IE, it shouldn’t cause it to display on the wrong side.

      As for the IF code, I don’t know if there is a specific one for IE8, I know there’s one to ignore the whole of IE, but I don’t know about ignoring specific versions

      After looking here, it looks like you would put

      <!--[if !(IE 8)]>Ignore IE 8 USERS here<![endif]-->

      However that would ONLY ignore IE8, not 6 or 7, so I’m assuming this would be the correct code

      <!--[if !(lt IE 8)]>Everthing here is ingored by IE8 or below<![endif]-->

      So, place the

      <!--[if !(lt IE 8)]>

      tag, at the start of the like button code and place the


      at the end of the like button code.
      Doing this should stop the like button displaying on all versions of IE, other than 9 :)

  • blutorange

    I make it disappear on Firefox & Safari
    but still remain on IE …;-(((

  • blutorange

    OK thanks for your time & for the link.
    I let you know if I found something.
    For sure I start to hate IE as well….

    • Daniel Chenery

      No problem. Did you get anywhere with it, I would have replied sooner but I’ve been out all day and I don’t think there’s a mobile site

  • Devora Matteis

    My partner and I absolutely love your blog and find many of your post’s to be just what I’m looking for. Would you offer guest writers to write content to suit your needs? I wouldn’t mind producing a post or elaborating on a lot of the subjects you write related to here. Again, awesome site!

  • Juuso Palander

    Is it somehow possible to change sharebar’s position on the code level (not on the screen) so that when someone shares a post using Facebook Like button, it would show a part of the actual text and not something like “Tweet Tweet”?

    I can provide a screenshot if that is necessary.

    Thanks in advance!

    • Daniel Chenery

      That “tweet tweet” is caused by this code in your header

      <meta property="og:description" content="Tweet Tweet" />

      I don’t think it’s placed there by Sharebar, do you have any other facebook related plugins?

      • Chad

        We had a conflict with using this plug-in with Thesis… we were unable to figure out why the “Tweet Tweet” appeared in front of our descriptions however once the Sharebar plug-in was removed the “Tweet Tweet” was too. Please look into this conflict as I enjoyed using your plugin for the short time we implemented it.

      • Matthew

        I found a fix for the “Tweet Tweet” problem when you’re using Thesis.
        Go into Settings for Sharebar and click “Edit” on the Twitter button action. In the text boxes for both the Big button and Small button, delete the word “Tweet” You should find it in the middle of the text.
        Hope that helps!

  • Juuso Palander

    Hello Daniel, and thanks for the quick answer!

    I had a plugin called “Like” but I removed it and installed “Like-Button-Plugin-For-Wordpress” instead. It should take the og:description from excerpt now, dunno if it works.

    Any ideas?

    • Daniel Chenery

      You shouldn’t need a third-party plugin, sharebar adds the like button itself

  • Juuso Palander

    I think it’s solved! I checked my last post with Facebook Linter and it shows the correct description.

    For you who are not familiar with Facebook Linter, check this site:

  • Stamatios

    Hi Monjurul,

    Your plugin looks fantastic, but, for some reason it is not working with version 3.1.1.

    Any chance to have it fixed?

    Kind regards and thank you.


    • Daniel Chenery

      What do you mean it doesn’t work? It works fine for me on 3.1.1 (although it does “hide” under the admin bar)
      Could you a try a different theme, see if it works. It could also be a conflict in plugins.

    • Stamatios

      Sorry for the comment, it is working. It was a plugin conflict. Tks Daniel.

      • Daniel Chenery

        No problem, glad it’s all working again :-)

  • Miss Bou

    Love Sharebar! I found a way to get Sharebar to show up on the individual posts on my home page as it does on the single posts, but it shows up without any styling. I would love for it to float alongside the post, or at least appear in a similarly styled box to the one it fits in on the single posts and pages.

    I am running Thesis, and I added this to my custom_functions.php file:

    function before_post_sharebar() {
    if (is_home()) { ?>

    <?php }
    add_action('thesis_hook_before_post', 'before_post_sharebar');

    Now, is there any way I can call out the styling?


  • Jamie

    Great plugin, I’ve tried all the sharing plugins and this one takes the cake. Easy to use, looks great, doesn’t break for absolutely no reason!

    A few suggestions for a new version:
    -Allow sharebar to be shown on index page
    -Email Icon (I made my own but it doesn’t look too great, instead of just having a plain link that says Email, have a pretty button instead)
    -As you have mentioned before, fix IE compatibility.

    • Mr. Where is it on homepage?

      still no homepage sharebar option?

  • cherry

    Wow, this was a really great post.

  • Patrick

    Great Plugin

    Could you have an option to let the Sharebar ‘stay’ on top, instead of keep on floating down when we scroll the page down?


  • Rick

    Can you integrate AddToAny additionally or replace ShareThis with AddToAny?

    AddToAny offers more in the way of extra/more services that do not show in the Sharebar by default. Everything else is great, thanks!

  • Altyazı

    I am Using sharebat on my website and i am very very satisfied. i am recommending to all of you.

  • Edison Wilcinski

    Hi, Neat post. There is a problem with your site in internet explorer, would test this IE still is the market leader and a large portion of people will miss your magnificent writing due to this problem.

  • nicholas

    this site is a big help to me thanks you

  • Upesh

    Hi all buttons seems to work except the twitter button. Any thoughts?


    • Daniel Chenery

      Webpage cannot be loaded? I believe it’s Twitter’s issue!

      • Upesh

        Daniel do you reckon it’s because of the theme I’m using – thesis (WordPress 3.1.3)? I tried it on my other blog and it seems to work fine. I can’t figure out why it’s not working with this blog.


      • Daniel Chenery

        To be honest Upesh, I cannot see why it would be a theme issue as the “webpage cannot be loaded”. Perhaps you could try re-adding the Tweet Button manually.

  • Upesh

    Daniel, where should I add the tweet button code?



    • Daniel Chenery

      Login to your WP-Dashboard then navigate to:
      Settings > Sharebar > Add New
      (Alternative this link –> http://www.your-site-domain/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=Sharebar&t=new)

      There you’ll be asked for the “Big Button” code and the “Small Button” codes
      You can grab both codes from this page. Hope that helps

    • Daniel Chenery

      My comment is in the moderation queue (I used two hyperlinks). You can either wait, or drop me an email daniel [at]

  • mark

    it was very good were was this video made

  • nescafeais


  • Dave

    Is there a way to add in LinkedIn to the options?

    • Daniel Chenery

      Yeah, within your WP-Dashboard then navigate to:
      Settings > Sharebar > Add New

      Then for the “small” button copy the “horizontal” count

      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="in/share" data-counter="right"></script>

      For the “large” button you’ll want the “vertical” count

      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="in/share" data-counter="top"></script>

      Both of which can be found here –
      Hope this helps

  • Ashwini Sah

    Waiting for new version with Google +1 :-)

    • Daniel Chenery

      You can manually add the Google +1 button if you wish, as per the instructions above

  • Doraj


    nice plugin, congratulations. Is there a way to show Sharebar also on the Homepage?


    • ralph

      Was gonna ask the same thing :)

    • Toki Tover

      I was trying to figure this one out too. It shows on posts and pages but not the homepage.

      Any ideas anyone?

    • Mr. Where is it on homepage?

      still no answer on this one. So will you make the option?


    Great plugin, just found it on the other site, will be trying to implement it. Thank you

  • Lucio

    nice plugin
    i need to add the facebook send button but the html code (with/without div or java) doesn’t work, becouse it has to be insertesd in the loop. But there are many plugins that utilize the send button… may you give us the code of the fb send button we should use? Or implement it in the next release.
    many thanks


    Great plugin, we have just activated it, Thank you for this

  • Rock Salt Lamps

    Such a great sharing Bar…

  • Soon Furlotte

    I wasent looking for that but still a great post

    how did you guys found this information??thank you for your post I found it on Yahoo And I bookmarked it .I like. Please send me updates

    thank you and have a nice day

  • Renato

    great plugin but in Google Chrome it does not work correctly :(

  • True Lover’s

    Its really nice i like this plugin…

  • Chromebook Forum

    Broken in wordpress 3.2 in IE9 and FF5.

  • Phil

    This is a great plug in. Any chance the code can be made available outside of WordPress?

  • Jayne

    I guess ASP.NET would be pushing it a bit?

  • Dan

    You mention in this update that you no longer use facebook shares and use likes instead.. The plugin you have installed on this site shows shares as well as the version we have installed. This is causing the plugin to load an older facebook js file which breaks any up to date facebook plugins like the Facebook Comments plugin. Any ideas?

  • Alan

    Sweet plugin. Is Google +1 integrated?

  • Alex

    Hey, is there any way to let Sharebar show up on the main/homepage of my blog instead of only on the page or posts? I used to use Digg Digg but I don’t like the look since it kinda looks totally cluttered :) Thx!!

    • Mr. Where is it on homepage?

      my question exactly! I see you havent received answer. I urge the author to answer us this one again! It is a must have option!! There is no point in using this plugin if you cant have it on homepage since there are the same plugins like this that have one.. i dont want to change the plugin.. pls add the option.

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  • Will Franco aka Flywheel

    Width is set to 45px, which is 1px short to not cut off the right side of the FB Like button. I set to 46px and it fixed the issue.


    • Eric Brockman

       I’m having the same issue, but can’t seem to fix it. I’ve changes the HTML facebook string to 48px width, 65 height, and tried changing the overflow to visible. Doesn’t seem to make a difference though.

      Any help is appreciated.

  • vetaş peynircilik

    it was very good were was this video made

  • Owen Marcus

    Thank you for doing this plugin – it is great. You have my encouragement to add Google+.

  • Ming Jong Tey

    I am using Digg Digg at the moment but just found the look of Sharebar is great and can add in customized app like Blokube.

    I’m going to change to Sharebar!


  • terk

    How do I turn this off or make it go away? I can’t move it and it is sitting right on top of the article so I can’t read it.

  • Navigationsgeräte

    After I originally commented I clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now each time a remark is added I get 4 emails with the same comment. Is there any way you may remove me from that service? Thanks!

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  • kaset2rich

    Thankyou this good plugin

  • Rukishou

    When using the standard Facebook like button it raises the count from 0 to 1 but after about one or two seconds it returns to 0 again. How can I fix this, I really don’t want to have to use Share instead of Like, though I have found the Share button to work like it should.

    I have only tested this in Google Chrome, but even if the problem would turn out to be exclusive to this Chrome, it’s not something I can or want to ignore.

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  • MattK@GearGuide

    Hey, great plug in. I’m having some issues with display in IE8. The bar shows with circles/bullets on the left side. Any idea what could be causing this?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

  • Mick


    Great plugin!

    But there is a bug, which *assumes* the path to the plugin directory. Should use:


    instead of what it currently uses:



  • Mick

    Oops, forgot to mention, that was about a file “sharebar.php”. There are also changed required in “sharebar-admin.php”. I think that’s it, just two PHP files.

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  • nouman

    share bar is not floating in safari ..please help its working with chrome, mozilla, and IE

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  • architectural rendering

    Good use of Facebook plug-in

  • Mark Copeman

    Hi – love what you’re doing – but can I add a feature request!?

    I’ve had to stop using it, as I had complaints from iPad users… the vertical bar obstructs the text… I’ve seen other plugins which if the width is restricted default to horizontal…

    Is that something you’d consider?

    Many thanks,

  • Tuan Teravainen

    I do believe all the ideas you’ve offered on your post. They are very convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are too short for newbies. May just you please prolong them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.

  • Thomas


    I really like your plugin but when trying to manually add the horizontal sharebar to the Canvas theme (from WooThemes) it just doesn’t show up – any idea why?

    I tried it via the template files as well as via custom hooks in the theme admin but no luck so far…


  • afif

    great plugin, i’ll give it a try

  • Jared

    Is there a non-wordpress version for this? I love it, but have a site that is not wordpress that I want to install it on.

  • Rajesh Namase

    I like this plugin, thanks.

  • Giants Jersey

    Thanks for sharing this great tool. It’s a great gift you’ve given that I will share with others.

  • hüseyin

    PlS Add Google +1 Buton

    • Drew

      +1 for Google +1 button! :)

  • Drew

    My Facebook Like Button is cut off on the right side and bottom. How can I fix this? Thanks for this cool plugin!


    • Drew

      Anyone? Thanks… Would like to figure out how to get this facebook button looking proper.

      • Drew

        Hi you can see my cut-off Facebook like button at BTW. :)

        Is this consistent on everyone’s?

  • Jay Castillo

    I am using Thesis 1.8.2 and the only issue I encountered using Sharebar 1.2 was the appearance of “Tweet Tweet” in front of post details when sharing a post from my blog to facebook.

    This was solved when I followed Matthew’s advice above through his comment dated June 10, 2011 where he said:

    ” I found a fix for the “Tweet Tweet” problem when you’re using Thesis. Go into Settings for Sharebar and click “Edit” on the Twitter button action. In the text boxes for both the Big button and Small button, delete the word “Tweet” You should find it in the middle of the text. Hope that helps!”

    I tried it and it worked! Thanks again Matthew!

    • Drew

      Anyone? Thanks :)

  • Salones de Fiesta

    Im gonna try it and be back to comment.

  • Mr. Where is it on homepage?


    why is there no option to have the sharebar on homepage with buttons that have a homepage url? Exactly the same as on posts and pages but – sharebar that follows homepage..

    I’ve searched all over the web for it, and people are suggesting us that we dont use the plugin for this option as it will not show no matter you do.

    So could you give us the answer (once more if you did please) why dont you have it enabled and can we expect it any time soon?

    It is strange that you did not incorporate this option when creating the plugin as it seems very logical to promote homepage (like it, share it, tweet it, email it, print it…. etc…) So pls add it. Will you? I dont want any more plugins installed on my wp.. your plugin is superb in any other way but this and it is a serious flaw.

    Thank you,
    fix it please. We need that option fast.

  • Monjurul Dolon

    To all asking for features and updates – there will be a massive update sometime at the end of this month (possibly earlier if I get more time off work)!

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  • income opp

    Great!!! Love This Site,Thank You For All The Info.

  • Exam2012

    Nice sidebar tools. love this one. Bottom Icons are good but good than Sidebar.

  • Janet

    I disabled sharebar on a page by checking the box on my wordpress page and it’s still there.

    this page should not have the sharebar. How can I turn it off? I’m not sure what to do now.

  • ilana mullin

    great plugin. i did a little hack tho:

    sharebar-admin.php, added on line 312, just an appearance thing, but the “add new” and “reset” buttons were appearing over the table, and breaking the experience.

    you may want to consider updating the default facebook code for the large button. it should be 48px wide and 65px tall. otherwise it cuts off.

    it was super awesome and easy for me to add both linkedin and google+ sharing buttons through your interface. You may want to consider adding them to the default install, and remove the buzz option…

    again, thank you for a well written, easy to use plugin.

    • ilana mullin

      comment cut out my code… i added a div with an inline style of clear:both on line 312

    • Drew

      Is there anyway you can be specific to add the new measurements? I am trying to figure it out – 

  • Pingback: How To Get 1000+ Retweets

  • Anonymous

    I love this plugin but on my home page I get this error “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘top’ of nul” from sharebar.js and the rest of my JS stops working. Is there something I can do about this so it will play nice?


  • Shilpan Patel

    My sidebar is not showing up. I’ve made sure that auto setting is on. What should I do?

  • Anonymous

    Dear, i want this share bar for my website ……  not for wp .. is this possible ?

  • PetroEkos

    My sharebar has a weird gap in it, and I can’t figure out why. There is nothing that I placed there. Has anyone else ran into this?

  • Hamid Shaikh

    Hello google plus one is missing that plug in..will you add that

  • Hannah Hill

    My sharebar loses the stats after a while. Is that normal?

  • Eric sangerma

    I first saw your plugin on Jon Cooper’s site. Have tried similar plugins in the past but yours is definitively the best. It’s not buggy and has a good design out of the box. 

  • Miguel

    please, i need help,
    I just instaled the sarebar in my blog, but the tweets is not count.

    how can i handle?
    facebook count, but it´s not the same with twiter.

  • robbie lan

    i added a div with an inline style of clear:both on line 312

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  • Buy Twitter Followers

    This is a great plug in. Any chance the code can be made available outside of WordPress?

    • Anonymous

      Thanks for the comment.  I’m currently working on a version that can be used outside of a WordPress site, hopefully I should have a working version by the end of February.

  • Astrogremlin

    I disabled a few of the buttons that were using js script to call the buttons.  These scripts were adding to load time.

  • Geek World News

    It’s really awesome plugin

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  • Adult Search Engine

    I love wordpress and i can’t wait to install sharebar. Thanks!

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  • Janine

    what a shame, i just finished adding this plug in to my wordpress blog only to find that it doesn’t work with my site. Too sad

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  • jeunesse

    works like a charm!

  • Radomir Basta

    Hey man,

    I’ve wrote you here  about the new like button problem.

    Can you give me some advice how to solve this? I really need those shares and likes :)


  • Kimberly Creagan

    I love your sharebar! I’m wondering, is there a way to automatically shorten the URLS’s? My tweets are always way too long!

  • Trends

    how about pinterest icons?

    • Smashing Feed

      Thanks i’d love to have them

  • gadgetstip

    Waiting for pinterest button .  Add it please :)

    • Buy Pinterest Followers

       Ya ma 2.

      Pinterest has gone viral !

  • vanillasugarblog

    do you have one for blogger?

  • Tall Community

    One of the top plugins out there; love the the sharebar.

  • Скрэтч

    Love the sharebar! thanks a lot for this geat plugin!

  • Ngasal

    i added a div with an inline style of clear:both on line 312
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  • Louis Gubitosi

    Hi Monji, would you consider adding to your plugin?

  • Lhayes65

    As someone who has experienced 2 sites with this thing, I can tell you with perfect honesty I HATE IT!  It gets in the way of what I’m trying to read or see and there does not seem to be any way for me to get rid of it. I HATE HATE HATE IT.

  • wuelite
  • That Funny Blog

    her , just wanted to say thank you. I have sharebar on my website and its working great.

  • Steve

    Just a heads-up.  The link for the zip file goes to a 404 page, and the link to wordpress brings up a page saying that wp can’t find what I’m looking for and then offers other options.

  • Steve

    This seems to no longer be available and I really wanted a clean fast loading share bar. Will this be available again?
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  • Alexis_k2

    Is it possible to add a button with the comment-counts??? i was trying to add the code by myself for hours now, but not getting any results. Pleas help and big thanks for the awesome plugin!

  • Noria236


  • Saimatkong

    Can’t get it load correctly in IE but Mozilla and Chrome all working fine. Any idea or update on this?

    This is where I installed the plugin. Please advise. Thanks.


  • outsourcing

    Can I install it using Blogger Interface?? Please help. I want that vertical share button too! :)


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  • Jual Sofa Online

    Thanks for the plugin. Just upgraded to the new version. The FB like button is displaying “207k Likes” by default. Any way to fix this? 

  • Jordan McClements

    Brilliant plugin. Thanks.

  • Justin

    How accurate is the Sharebar’s “Facebook” share button, it seems that I just posted a new blog on yesterday and it has a bunch of shares already which just seems to be unrealistic to me??? What are your thoughts?

  • Keylogger

    recover powerpoint:

    Thanks for posting this informative article.

  • Joe S. Lucio

    Horizontal view has bullets next to the buttons that I can’t seem to get rid of or find out where they are coming from. Does anyone else have this problem?

  • Jasjot2207

    added a pinterest button. Not working correct. Any help?

  • Ajaydassor

    This sharebar helps a lot to me in generating the traffic towards my blog.

  • Creative Jenni

    I think Pinterest icons and Google plus would make this better then anyone out there

  • Haiciyao

    Great article, very useful. Thanks for sharing.

  • Relationshipdj

    will this plug ever be able to float on the top or at the bottom of the page?

  • Pingback: 50 Tips to Master Twitter from A to Z

  • Buscassa

    I had problem’s with a sharebar, in my page, one day, i had 873 shared in a facebook button. In another day 0 in a shared on facebook button

  • SariyantaMade

    Google plus supposed to be built in icon, I mean you should put it in the plugin. But you covered it by creating add new button option :D thank you. Good job i use it on my new blog

  • Mohammad Farhan

    can i use this plugin here

  • Geek

    The plugin install it on my blog a few days ago and so far everything works perfect, also thanks to that I get more likes and social tweets because the buttons are more visible.

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  • Ajay Bramhe , INDIA

    Great sidebar

  • Rocky

    Hi Guys,

    I want to use the Sharebar WordPress Plugin but every I activate it, the PinWheel Slider stops working. Is there a way I can resolve this so that I can use Sharebar along side PinWheel Slider?

    Your help is very much appreciated.


  • Jaka Kusnandar

    thanks a lot for this great plugin!Love the sharebar 

    Jaket Kulit Murah

  • Marlon

    How can I used this plug in if I’m not using WordPress? Here’s my site.

  • Pingback: 50 Tips to Master Twitter from A to Z

  • johnny boy

    i had the same issue with the link –

    can someone send me a copy or download of it to
    thanx in advance

  • Desy Shisil

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  • Kw9

    Pinterest has gone viral ! yeahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!

  • Fashion

    Thank you so much, I love sharebar so much!

    Fashion Pria

  • mahmut

    i prefer the sharebar at

  • Barbara Seymour Rowen

    Unfortunately, Sharebar didn’t like the new WP 3.5 rollout. It broke on my site. :(