John Lewis

John Lewis


Congressman, Georgia's Fifth Congressional District

Atlanta, GA ·

Now we must begin the hard and necessary work of governing. But we cannot lose sight of those who are most desperately in need of help.

Women's voices made such a difference last night, not only for the President, but for the Senate where we'll have a record 20 women!

This victory demonstrates that the politics of division cannot stop a committed and determined people, united for one purpose.

This is not a time to give up, give in, or give out. Do not go back. Do not become weary. Keep the faith.

I hope everyone in the path of Hurricane Sandy stays safe. This is not a day to go walking with the wind.

Half of uninsured children live in 6 states, including GA. Medicaid could cover many of these kids if Governors agreed

Senator George McGovern was a man of peace and a true public servant who made a lasting contribution to this nation.

Are registered to vote? Don't wait. In Georgia, TODAY is the last day to register for the November election.

Give me a break. I’ve never seen such foolishness. The numbers showed improvement. Don’t put your head in the sand.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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