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  1. @Fedup_Mom that would appear to be the inference
  2. Mhm. RT @Taylor_West: As an unabashed fan of @PoPville, I nonetheless love this parody site - (h/t @AdamSerwer)
  3. Remember, Romney Victory + RNC claimed a combined $76.8 last month; we see now just $23.4M of that went to the actual Romney campaign.
  4. RT @FixAaron: Romney campaign raised $23.4 million in May, spent $15.6M and has $17M cash on hand.
  5. MT @mviser: Barney Frank and Scott Brown formed an unlikely duo ( But tomorrow's he's joining Elizabeth Warren
  6. MT @AndrewNBCNews Christie invited to Utah, but @macnyc says 'We're in the final weeks of the leg session & Gov will be staying in NJ'
  7. RT @RameshPonnuru: It's not just the economy--my tiny bit of advice for Romney.…
  8. In May, the Obama campaign raised $39.1M, spent $44.6M and had $110M in cash on hand
  9. RT @maggiepolitico: RT @realDonaldTrump: I look forward to playing golf with President @BarackObama someday.
  10. .@FrankThorpNBC: House Oversight Cmte votes 23-17, along party lines, to send contempt resolution of Holder to the full House.
  11. RT @frankthorpNBC: TONIGHT: Watkins Rec Center in DC at 7pm for the Congressional Women's Softball Game. $10 ticket go to a good cause!
  12. RT @pollreport: WISCONSIN White House 2012: Obama 49% / Romney 43% (Marquette Law School Poll, 6/13-16)
  13. "It's witch-hunting season, and it probably won't be over until the election," NY Rep. Carolyn Maloney says on @msnbctv of Holder/contempt.
  14. Well, there's some group of about 200 marching down Connecticut Ave toward DuPont with signs: "Stop Rove: Our Democracy is Not For Sale"
  15. @brandon_stewart @dan_hayes I hadn't. Thanks for flagging, kind sir
  16. I'm looking forward to seeing my grandpa, who's on an Honor Flight, at the WWII memorial. But waiting outside hasn't been a treat.
  17. RT @aburnspolitico: The notion that it's reporters and operatives only, and not voters, who think 2012 is a brittle, downbeat race is silly
  18. RT @FixAaron: George LeMieux drops out of Florida Senate race - The Fix
  19. 11-year-old Miami girl singing nat'l anthem at OKC-Heat already has more musical talent than I ever will. Great for her; depressing for me.
  20. @Andy_Staples If you want DC BBQ, check Standard. Kangaroo Boxing Club opens this week. More broadly, Pearl Dive and The Pig worth your time