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Published on Oct 31, 2012 by

The speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga is calling for the anti homosexuality bill to be tabled before parliament as soon as possible in order to affirm Uganda's position on homosexuality. Kadaga spoke as she arrived to a hero's welcome at entebbe airport late last night. She also reiterated her statement in Canada in which she defended Uganda's position on homosexuality.


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  • Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Just goes to show that homophobia, conjured up within people through the poison of religion, is indifferent to what color a person's skin is or where they live. It preys on the ignorant and gullible, particularly those who lack an education, a condition by which Africa is severely afflicted. Makes me sad to be a human.

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  • What a CUNT!

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  • She says she doesn't want that aid? well I asy fine next time a natural disaster hits Uganda or some disease break out happens just let the country rot away. What a Vicious Cunt.

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  • I don't think people are expecting them to handle it in a reasonable way, so?

    I'm in favor of cutting off all aid except that which would help persecuted peoples leave the country. And of course that will include heterosexuals as well, since they'll be passing a very convenient and easy torture device for anyone seeking revenge upon another. Just like they already do with "witches."

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  • Cut off their aid. They know the conditions, they've only themselves to blame.

    When yet more people start dying of starvation and their economy collapses even further I've a feeling they'll reconsider.

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  • Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world, with 37.7 percent of the population living on less than $1.25 a day. Don't they have a bigger fish to fry?

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  • Fascists use racism and homophobia to get people to support their own oppression. It's true of white Republicans here in America and it's true of these horrible people in Uganda as well.

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  • Another lesson in the true meaning of Christian love from the nation that bought you child soldiers and the Lord's resistance army.

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  • Leaders like Bill Clinton have said "never again will we sit silent in the face of genocide in Africa".

    It's time to put that to the test. Cutting off $ to Uganda should be merely the FIRST step in response, if this bill passes. [The "Kosovo Option" should follow!]

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  • Uganda is going to blame the gays and not deal with their actual problems.

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