ROSKAM: Americans Cannot Afford Another Four Years Like the Last Four

Press Release

Excerpt: "Today's jobs report underscores how fragile our so-called economic recovery has been under President Obama, and when you examine the policies of the past four years there is little wonder as to why. Our economy cannot grow under a wave of crushing new regulations, including a massive healthcare law that fails to lower costs and could cause millions of Americans to lose their current coverage."

BLOOMINGDALE---Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (R-IL) released the following statement on the October Jobs Report that showed the unemployment rate rose to 7.9 percent:

"Today's jobs report underscores how fragile our so-called economic recovery has been under President Obama, and when you examine the policies of the past four years there is little wonder as to why. Our economy cannot grow under a wave of crushing new regulations, including a massive healthcare law that fails to lower costs and could cause millions of Americans to lose their current coverage.

"Now, small business owners see the president advocating a massive new tax hike that would cost 700,000 jobs nationwide, and leading Democrats actually encouraging us to go over the fiscal cliff, which would plunge us back into recession. With 23 million Americans unemployed, underemployed or looking for work, and a staggering $16 trillion in debt, it is clear the president's policies are only making things worse.  Americans cannot afford the next four years to look like the last four."


