
Nelson accuses GOP in Florida of voter suppression

By Ramsey Cox - 11/13/12 04:43 PM ET

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) accused Florida Republicans of voter suppression in his home state.

On the Senate floor, Nelson said by reducing the number of early voting hours in Florida, Gov. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) suppressed Florida voters by making them stand in lines for more than four hours in order to cast their ballots.

“I asked the governor to extend voting hours on the Sunday before the Tuesday election since there were long lines then,” Nelson said. “The governor wouldn’t do it. … Some people waited seven hours to vote.”

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) joined Nelson on the Senate floor, saying the new voter laws in Florida were "shameful" and "illegal."

“It tears my heart apart to hear of this kind of suppression,” Leahy said. “Everyone should have the right to vote. If we lose those rights, we lose our souls as Americans.”

Despite the long lines, Nelson won reelection on Nov. 6.

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