
RT : For DC journos interested in attending "Honor Flight" screening at Press Club tonight, tweet for more info.

McCain needs misogyny cover MT@XPhile1908: and is now an expert on foreign plcy and nat security why, exactly?

RT : Reid just introduced me to one of his aides as "the biggest pest in Washington."

bang, so to speak RT : I want POTUS to speak on gun control. But the boss of trigger-happy NYPD complaining? Mind your own house.

Dick Codey is always good copy RT : My condolences to the NJ reporters who thought they were going to ...

"With all the dysfunction, I still enjoy coming to work on Monday morning which is a test for me..." says senator

2) The questions regarding Libya and the explanation that followed have not been answered. In fact, there seems to be more of them. (2/2)

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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