North Carolina National Guard · Sets
LILLINGTON, N.C. -- Hundreds turned out at the Harnett County Veterans Park here Monday, Nov. 12, to pay homage to veterans past and present, living and dead, as part of the community's annual observance of Veterans Day.

The ceremony featured prayers, a Color Guard from Harnett Central High School, a wreath laying and a Prisoner-of-War/Missing-in-Action remembrance.

The most moving moments came when the crowd honored Private 1st Class Trevor B. Adkins who died in Southwest Asia. Adkins' family unveiled a stone memorial on which his name had been added to a list of other local heroes who had made the ultimate sacrifice.

North Carolina National Guard 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team commander, Col. Randy Powell, with Congresswoman Renee Ellmers, presented the daughter of World War I veteran Private 1st Class Noah M. Bullock with her father's Purple Heart and World War I Service Medal. The awards had gone un-presented nearly a century after Doris Gardner's father had earned them. The presentation was made possible through the research of the North Carolina-based Veterans Legacy Foundation, which helps veterans get mistakes in their service records corrected and sees that awards they should receive are presented even if it's 100 years or more after the fact.

The celebration and remembrance in Lillington featured not only the memorial ceremony but an afternoon parade through the downtown. (U.S. Air Force photos by Lt. Col. Robert Carver, North Carolina National Guard Public Affairs)
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items are from 12 Nov 2012.
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