Blake Farenthold

Blake Farenthold


Proudly serving Texas' twenty-seventh district in Congress.

Corpus Christi, TX ·

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NEWSLETTER: "I am optimistic we will start meaningful work on tax reform, job creation and immigration reform."

Today we recognize our who bravely sacrifice to protect our families, liberties and freedoms. Thank you for keeping America free.

Happy 237th Birthday ! Your sacrifices keep this country the land of the free and home of the brave.

LIVE: Jintao delivers annual political report to National Congress of the Communist Party. I will NOT let eat our lunch.

ON THE AIR with tonight at 6:15pm CT to talk about today's dismal job numbers and the House Republican plan

Unemployment and underemployment rates remain stagnant as incomes continue to decline and the national debt grows.

October's jobs numbers remind us that 's economic plan hasn't worked, and 7.9% unemployment is the best he can do.


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