Senator John Thune

Senator John Thune


U.S. Senator John Thune (R-S.D.)

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I thank my colleagues for re-electing me Chairman of the . I will continue to work hard to communicate our positive GOP vision.

I urge the President to quickly sign my bill to protect Americans from illegal EU taxes on flights in US airspace.

(2/2) The honor, duty, & patriotism of these brave men and women make us proud to call them family, friends, & neighbors.

(1/2) Today we pay tribute to the and active members of the military who have risked life and limb protecting our freedoms.

Today marks South Dakota's 123rd Birthday. SD was admitted to the Union on November 2, 1889. Happy Birthday SD!

Kimberley and I continue to keep the many victims and communities impacted by Hurricane in our thoughts and prayers.

(2/2) This 17 year-old young man is battling cancer with tremendous courage & grace.

(1/2) Please join Kimberley & me in praying for our friend, , who just had surgery on his leg.

(1/2) Another Obama Green Energy failure: stimulus-funded Battery Maker A123, files bankruptcy. Taxpayers lose $120M.

Proud to honor Vietnam veteran Jim Hurley w/ the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, & many other medals yesterday.

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