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    Pennsylvania high school hockey league bans national anthem to save money on ice time

    Veterans Day is usually reserved for honoring the American flag and those who fought to preserve the values it stands for. In Pennsylvania on Monday, it also oversaw ferocious debate over one of the least patriotic things possible: eliminating the playing of the national anthem from all high school hockey games.

    As first reported by Pittsburgh CBS affiliate KDKA, the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League has issued a directive to 183 high school squads in central and western Pennsylvania banning the national anthem from being performed.

    "The national anthem should not be played only because of time constrains," PIHL commissioner Ed Sam told KDKA. "It's not that we're not patriotic, that's the furthest from the truth."

    While Sam's words might sound like bizarre lip service, there actually is some logic to the PIHL's decision to kick the national anthem out of high school hockey. Sam notes that ice time in western Pennsylvania is quite expensive, making every minute of rented time sacred in an era of cutbacks throughout interscholastic athletics.

    That became apparent when at least one arena halted a high school game even though the third period hadn't completed because the schools' rented ice time had expired. In the game where that recently happened, the pregame routine was marked by an "overly verbose rendition of the national anthem."

    "Ice is very, very hard to get and it's not cheap," said Sam. "We're talking $300 an hour sometimes or even higher than that."

    It goes without saying that the PIHL's timing wasn't exactly ideal, with the league announcing the national anthem ban just days before Veterans Day. The decision sparked total outrage from a number of Pennsylvania hockey parents and fans, sending Sam and his cohorts into crisis control. The PIHL board has already announced that it will hold another meeting to discuss whether the national anthem ban should be revoked.

    [Also: NHL lockout looms over 2012 Hockey Hall of Fame ceremony]

    In the meantime, the pregame routine for high school games in central and western Pennsylvania will continue without the musical patriotic oath that serves as the universal entrance script for sporting events across the country, much to the chagrin of fans in the stands.

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    • Brian  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Shorten the time of pregame warm up and play a recorded instrumental version of the Anthem.. Sounds to me they made a decision without looking at alternatives.
    • Wally  •  1 month 1 day ago
      well instead of letting some wanna be hip-hop, country gospel type singer that takes 10 minutes to sing it , get a recording of the shorter version and play it at all games
    • Mark C  •  1 month 1 day ago
      I have heard of lame excuses. Wow. So no introduction of players? Right? Just a couple minutes of warm-ups? Right? No break between periods? Right? Go skate in out done! Two minutes for the National Anthem is to much? Hockey Pucks!
    • why knot  •  1 month 1 day ago
      There is an incredible amount of time wasted during the normal hockey game. This is absurd.
    • DABEARS  •  1 month 1 day ago
      WOW I Cannot even come up with a comment to describe my disgust for this.
    • Greg A  •  1 month 1 day ago
      It takes less than two minutes to play the National Anthem. Their excuse is total #$%$.
    • N2F  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Make the ice time cheaper or don't charge them for the 10 min they go over.... whats wrong with America.... LOL, ALOT!!!!
    • USA  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Take a minute off of each period of play time and pay respect to your country! Can we sink any lower? The world already laughs at us! If we give up all patriotism, what do we have left to help strengthen our country?!?!
    • Matt  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Ways to cut ice time, reduce the length of periods and intermissions, running clock except for on scores, these two would reduce ice time more than the at most 2 to 3 minutes to honor our country.
    • Raider for life  •  1 month 1 day ago
      So there is a price tag for our country's freedom! Everyone that made this decision should be ashamed of their decisions!
    • But Seriously  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Then shorten the games, but not my National Anthem!
    • Jason  •  1 month 1 day ago
      These aszholes don't know what sacrifice & freedom is about ! Banning the national anthem what a farce !
    • Whiplash  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Why is everyone so sensitive to the 15%? I thought majority ruled, not whoever complained the most.
    • Scott S  •  1 month 0 days ago
      I'm sure it wouldn't kill a rink if they spared a few extra minutes to do the anthem.
    • LabRat  •  1 month 1 day ago
      As a retired Army Veteran I find this VERY insulting.... sort of flies into the face of all of us veterans and especially pees on the folks that made the ultimate sacrifice and are not longer with us.....
    • Anti-O  •  1 month 1 day ago
      It has been used since Francis Scot Key wrote it, so why stop it now? Anit-America POS!
    • Bored  •  1 month 0 days ago
      Play the Anthem a bit faster or play it earlier. Do ANYTHING but eliminate it! Yeah, it's trite to play it, but it just wouldn't be an athletic even in these United States without the Anthem first being played.
    • jody  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Sad, just sad.
    • The Italian Stallion  •  1 month 1 day ago
      Between eliminating the words Merry Christmas and replace with Happy Holidays, eliminating the word God from everything this country was founded on, and some schools stopping the "Pledge of Allegance", this b u l l s h i t has to stop.
    • Victor  •  1 month 1 day ago
      I cannot come up with a comment to register my disgust with this stupid idea!
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